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Sunken Ship

A term that describes older skanks who have been worn "loose" and have "sunk" to the point where they are no longer attractive. From the term "Loose lips, sink ships"

Ann Wilson, from Heart, is a prime example of a sunken ship.

by PB Blaster April 11, 2006

47πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

sunken place

Basically, you are in the sunken place if you are not aware of your rights, or not aware of your value, or you are but society doesn’t let you live that way.

That girl doesn't think that people in her school are prejudiced. Little does she know, their subconscious resistance to her success is a constant drain on her energy, resulting in her looking like she got hit by a bus. She is in the sunken place.

by happybunny123 May 8, 2018

51πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

sunken battleship

When the wheels on your car have too high of an offset. In otherwords the wheels dont sit flush with the fenders and your car is known as a 'sunken battleship'.

HAHAHAHA, you put 17x7 +42 on your 240sx so it looks like a sunken battleship you fool!!!

by -Frthnkr June 25, 2005

17πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Sunken Chest

The space between a woman's breasts that show sternum and ribs. A space also in a mans chest showed a deep sternum.

The dress that she wore to the Oscars showed a sunken chest. A man removed his shirt and you could see he had a sunken chest also could a be a genetic defect.

by keybody December 14, 2011

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

sunken treasure

When one craps their pants, and then hides their fouled underwear in the tank of the toilet. A close relative of the Upper Decker.

When Mary was cleaning the bathroom after her party, she noticed her toilet tank cover had been moved. She opened it and found a Sunken Treasure left by John.

by The real dirty sanchez January 8, 2008

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Sunken Tugboat

A hand job underwater. Preferiably in a hottub.

"Bro we got in the 'jucooz and she gave me a Sunken Tugboat."

by Bposten November 24, 2011

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Sunken Place

When you are surrounding by energy draining white people who marvel in the depletion of your energy.

Every since Tom started hanging around Oscar, he's been in a sunken place.

by coolkicks101 August 23, 2017

109πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž