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Farmer Sutra

the ancient dutch book on the art of erotic barnyard love

jennings reads this every day

by masterofrpg May 14, 2004

23πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Kama Sutra

A book containting numerous sexual positions originating in India and the surrounding areas. A good Kama Sutra is essential to the "better lover's" library. This will spice up your sex life, no doubt.

After months of boring sex, my woman bought me the Kama Sutra. This sex book has been passed down from generation to generation promising improved sex. Trust me, this book doesn't let down! I think my last hooker read the whole thing!

by Magistrate January 27, 2006

242πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

Kama Sutra

It is a book of Sexual Postions which has been made into movies. It has almost every postion imaginable. The perfect book for any Player/ PIMP.

The Kama Sutra will sooth any bitch.

by The all knowing azn June 1, 2004

590πŸ‘ 337πŸ‘Ž


Slang created in my living room meaning masturbation

Billy:Yo whats Tom doing in the bathroom
John: What you think? Hes doin the Solo-Sutra
Dog: *Farts*

by My name is Crips... September 28, 2005

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Pi Sutra

The mathematical equivalent of β€œKama Sutra” that even those who are apathetic about or allergic to the number Ο€ want to order a copy or two, after it became the post-pandemic bestselling pop math title on Amazon.

Although β€œPi Sutra” is filled with juicy pi factoids, reveals some creative ways of making the irrational number exciting even to math-anxious folks, and discuses some easy-to-understand cool theorems on mathematicians’ constant of choice, however, some ultra-MAGA parents have asked their governors to ban the recreational math book in school libraries, because it’s the potential to pervert the minds of teenagers.

by Fasters September 27, 2022

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

kama sutra

sex positions from india.

we all gotta learn some kama sutra.

by naughtyfreak4u May 23, 2004

500πŸ‘ 333πŸ‘Ž

Backseat Sutra

A drinking game where a couple must perform positions in the Kama Sutra in the backseat of a car within 20 seconds and are judged by the other passengers in the car. An unacceptable stance results in the couple taking a shot of alcohol, while an acceptable stance results in the remaining passengers taking a shot.

Man, who wants to play a few rounds of Backseat Sutra?!

by K3no April 2, 2009

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž