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Love nickname bf,gf,husband or wife would call each other.

β€œLove you sweetheart”

by M00NXIII August 11, 2023



Ethan is a little soft sweetheart and I’m in love with Him he it the softest thing ever if you don’t know him look him up he is ever thing and deserves happiness and the world

by I a simp October 3, 2020

6πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A type of employee theft in which the cashier will fail to ring up or scan goods that friends or relatives present at the register.

Did you hear about Jane? She got fired from the Gap for sweethearting some earrings to her friend.

by Chis2 January 13, 2010

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Someone who's kind-hearted, nice, sweet, great person, personality, lovely to be around and just a great friend.

"I like Joaquin, he's a real sweetheart."

by Lura July 14, 2006

1579πŸ‘ 308πŸ‘Ž


Your lover, significant other, darling, or what ever pet name that you have for your sweetie.

A beloved person, be they family member, friend, or lover/life partner.

Somebody who is very dear, sweet, and kind.

Why should we be branded with a label because of our sexuality? We're lovers, sweethearts. "Sweethearts" was what we used among ourselves before "lesbian", "homosexuality", "queer", and "gay" really entered the picture. We didn't name it, we did it.

"Cara mia"- "my darling"
"Mon cher"- " "
"A ghaoil"- "O love"
"A rΓΊin"- " "
"A leannain"- "Sweetheart"
"Mo ghrΓ dh"- "My love"
"Cariad"- "Beloved"

Etc etc.

by Lorelili March 20, 2005

980πŸ‘ 372πŸ‘Ž


a completely adorable person that is always there to make you smile

John Lewis is such a sweetheart ! i love him oh so much!

by katybee June 23, 2010

596πŸ‘ 256πŸ‘Ž


if a girl calls another girl sweetheart they are definitely not friends

listen sweetheart...

by ttigers January 25, 2018

70πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž