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A good-looking Mexican male. Has a really nice face a really nice body. He's nice, smart and funny. He is the total package.

The guy down the street is a Tapatio.

by Charice November 19, 2007

45πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Tapatio Doritos

The greatest tasting tortilla chips known to mankind. Watch out though, they're highly addictive. You may find yourself eating 2 whole large bags in one sitting, even if you aren't stoned.

Ryan:Dude this is my 5th bag of tapatio doritos this week.
Brandon: That's it? I'm on my 8th.
Ryan: I'll be right back, I'm going to winco for more!

by odo55 April 5, 2013

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

tapatio balls

n. the inflammation of the testicles after eating too many spicy tacos, as the spicy flavor travels through the intestines at maximum spice volume to cause a fiery inguinal hernia in the scrotum.

n. after a short hairy Mexican guy goes at it too fast with a hairy-assed Mexican girl, the friction of the anal sex causes all of the hair to be burned off of his scrotum, and he flees the room screaming "AYE AYE AYE!"
note: to be distinguished from tabasco balls, which is characterized by the post-sexual yelp "MIS CAHONES, NO NO NO!"

Fucking Taco Bell! Gave me tapatio balls for another night in a row, I think I need to see the scrotumologist!

Did you hear Miguel screaming last night? That definitely sounded like his senorita baked him up some spicy tapatio balls!

by cockbeast October 15, 2007

7πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Tapatio Hot Hand

A spicy or aggressive hand job that is normally performed by a Klingon warrior.

Also, apply hot sauce to your hand before a hand job is performed

(I'm a big fan of newbie star trek)

After a long day, Riker loves nothing more than a Tapatio hot hand

by Aldosim November 18, 2021

70πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tapatio Eye Syndrome

Tapatio Eye Syndrome is when you get Tapatio hot sauce in your eye, either on accident or purpose, on the eyelids the sensation can be described as similar to a very bad sunburn. Tapatio eye syndrome causes the eyes to water and in extreme cases may cause blurry vision. Many believe that it's a myth, or that people are weak/overreacting.. until it happens to them.

person 1: up until this very moment i never knew tapatio eye syndrome was real, is this what hell feels like??

person 2: i told you bro, it's real!

by tapatiolove July 3, 2016


The best salsa ever invented. Seriously, everyone loves this shit.

Example: "Yo, Cid Tapatio is the shit man!" "Bro I know right that shit is amazing."

by Taylor_tapatio December 17, 2018

National Tapatio Day

National Tapatio Day is where you eat EVERYTHING with Tapatio, and eat a SPOONFUL of TAPATIO

Someone: Hey you it’s National Tapatio Day!

Y/n: WHAT!
Someone: Yk the drill…
Y/n: ugh

by ΒΏDiorMia? September 13, 2021