Source Code


Had intimate relations with another human

See that Latina over there, yea i tapped that shit man

by The man 26 June 4, 2023


A person who is unbelievably ugly.

“Have you seen Alanna’s boyfriend!”
“ Yeah, her boyfriend look tapped

by Yogotiboi March 21, 2018

8👍 8👎


To describe a friendLen’ as stupid or backwards.

Len is tapped

by Coolioco December 10, 2019

2👍 4👎


(In the context of video gaming)

To get shot in the head. The shot is usually fatal.

1: contact 210
2: I tapped him in the head. He's down.

by oeiwghowir December 20, 2019

3👍 2👎


Used to describe someone high on Marijuana or THC.

He is tapped out.
She is tapped up.
They are tapped.
Someone just smoked and they are now tapped.

by Christopher T. Sawyer II January 25, 2005

8👍 22👎


Used in most part of England to describe a handsome/beautiful young person. This derives from TAPPED acrostically which stands for 'Totally Awesome Person Pretty Every Day'

Check out that kid over there, he is 'Tapped'

by LoserEve June 2, 2010

6👍 18👎

Tap tap tap

In one of the most popular one direction/Larry fanfict the two main characters Louis and Harry had to keep a si rey that they are dating so that meant no public hugs or I love you so they created a code which means that tap tap tap is I love You three yours three taps.

He banged in the tableTap Tap tap

by Larry1d January 23, 2021

58👍 26👎