A temporary state consisting of confusion, disorientation, and a low degree of mental retardation.
In healthy individuals this state can occur while in the presence of a strong "Tarenation agent" often referred to as a "Tarenator".
The most common Tarenator is anyone with the name "Taren".
In 2007 the WHO initiated the use of the "Tarenation Acute Risk Detection" (TARD) to measure the amount of risk posed to healthy individuals in proximity to a Taren.
A device used to measure the TARD level operates in a similar manner to a Geiger counter used to measure radiation with faster "clicks" indicating a higher TARD level.
Anyone in the presence of a Taren with a high TARD level should take appropriate precautions to protect themselves.
Precautions include:
- Make the Taren drink as much alcohol as possible. Tarenization can occur by listening to a Taren speaking, and alcohol reduces the ability of Taren to communicate.
-Avoid discussing any complex topics. Studies suggest that Tarenization is least likely to occur when topics are limited to a primary school level.
-Avoid having any girls present together with the Taren. Girls further reduce Taren's ability to control the TARD level. Note that any girls subject to Tarenization may unwittingly give personal details (e.g. phone number) to the Tarenator and regret this at a later time.
Joe took 3 days to recover after being Tarenized.
A Taren Verior is basically a Tauren Warrior but it is called a Taren Verior by those who think lowly of Tauren Warriors.
He is a taren verior, he sold his epic for 2g.
At first sight, one may think this is a dinner item at a mom & pop greasy spoon. However, you would be grossly discouraged to find this is incorrect.
The proper definition of this term is in relation to fellatio received in a vehicle. However it goes deeper than that. It gives reference specifically to a chica with a "spitter". To put it in simple terms, it is to receive road head from a latina girl who utilizes an empty diet pepsi can to spit the semen into.
Yo.... this bitch I was mackin at the club straight pulled a Taren Special on my jock... hells yeah......
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A Dirty Taren is the act of wearing PJs all day with an erect penis in front of your friends and loved ones and yelling at them for eatting your wife's hoe-made chilli while preparing to perform a Dirty John in secret early in the morning after drinking all the wine and telling your couch-surfing brother bf that his dad is in a baby cult.
Ohh shit bitches! That bad ass fuck is about to get fucked up by the Dirty Taren
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Tarene is a caring, kind, funny friend. She’ll often make you feel better when you’re upset. She’s totally bubbly and friendly, really just a great person in general.
Person #1: oh wow that girl is crying person#2: yeah. Better tell Tarene to go cheer her up
A TVT (That Vegan Teacher) Karen, or "Taren", is a version of a karen that is named after "That Vegan Teacher" that is usually 60-70 years old that loves to publicly share her opinion in the most controversial and toxic ways possible.
"Oh my God she is such a Taren."
Singular Noun
2 syllables
Origin: originating from the USA. Son of treacherous whore. Jehovah Witness. See reference; Carrie
Definition: Taren, an unqualified, unemployed, dead beat father, anything useless etc… He lacks fundamental social skill as well as parenting skills, key and point being an absent dad. Suffers from severe gambling addiction. In poor physical shape. Devious destructive rampant rascal. Rat scallion blithering skunt bastard.
Most likely has a cop brother
Trini: Eh boy, yuh bein' a realllll nasty Taren rite now, go back by yuh wife and kids !"
Suspected Taren: *eats mayo* *cries*