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tattle-tale bed

A bed that makes loud noises from any movement, usually related to when sexual activities take place.

We got caught last night because she has a tattle-tale bed. Her dad hates me now.

by athemissbitch March 27, 2014

tattle tale fag

Someone that constantly tells a power figure such as a principal/boss in an effort to punish you or fire you for the pettiest things.

Dont even talk to that guy or go near him. Hes a total tattle tale fag.

by lamboman123 February 21, 2023

tattle tale tim

See also: dry snitch, weak kneed whore, and p.o.s.

Oh tattle tale tim Telling on me for no good reason....

by rip-travis"tate"conditt June 24, 2023

Tattle tale

A snitch.

Isn't Harry, Duke of Sussex a little tattle tale Margaret? Telling tales about his family is so unseemly don't you think!

by February 7, 2024