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He seems nice and sweet at first, but he is a jackass. He says he loves you, but he doesn't mean it. He will do thing that make you feel good and love yourself. In the end he will break your heart. He only dates you for your looks. He isn't open at all. He lies too your face. Although he can be sweet, funny, and cute. Tevin's can be okay, but it takes a long time for them to really love you. In the end Tevin's are FAKE.

"Yo! Tevin is such a jackass!"

by RaiseYourVoice25 May 25, 2019

20πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


A fortnite addict who has a attitude all the time stinks is mean laughs at everything

If u play fortnite alot u must be a Tevin

by Beastboy67272722828 July 12, 2018

13πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A Tevin means the king of something. E.g. the Tevin of ugliness means the king of ugliness. The term originated in south London.

Stephen is the Tevin of gays

by GaryTheLad January 12, 2018

13πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


An utter asshole.

That guy over there is a right dick, must be a Tevin.

by add50ml March 7, 2018

16πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


One of your good gay friends that says he’s going to invite you to their wedding but doesn’t. Tevin doesn’t care about his friends.

Man I though we were going to tevin’s wedding... guess not?

by Dsanchez August 16, 2018

9πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Cute probably short plays fortnite most like dates a zoey and probably wants to fuck his friend coles tits

Man 1: Is he fucking he's friends tits?
Man 2 :Probably a tevin

by Zoey H. Kinds πŸ™ˆ January 22, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tevin Coleman

The absolute fucking walking Chad. But not until his Ex roasts him on Urban Dictionary does he calm down and becomes a middle age English peasant.

Girl 1- That guy is such a Tevin Coleman! He is so cool!
Girl 2- No he’s a Tevin Coleman, the brake-up made him a loser, now he’s a Roblox Kid.

by Per-Son May 23, 2022