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Internet Tough Guy

Somebody who frequents internet message boards and chat rooms and tries to project an image of being a badass. Typical internet tough guy behavior may include:

- Claims to be a master of any number of martial arts styles.
- Claims to be incredibly strong and physically fit.
- Threatens violence against other message board members or chat room users who anger or annoy him.
- May claim to an ex-Marine, ex-Special Forces, or gangsta.
- Makes exaggerated claims about his own sexual prowess and ability to seduce women.

Most internet tough guys are liars, and are actually angry, socially-awkward young males who use the internet as a place to act tough because they can't pull it off in real life.

Examples of comments an internet tough guy might make:

"If I knew where you lived in real life, I'd kick your ass for saying that."

"The other night I beat the shit out of some dude who dissed my Harley. I then took his girlfriend (who happens to be a Victoria's Secret model) back to my place and shagged her until the sun came up."

by You Can't Kill the Metal August 8, 2006

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internet tough guy

A 12 year old who just discovered the internet and all it's anonymity.

There is no example, if you ever even glanced at a forum you've seen at least 1 internet tough guy.

by Guy45 August 28, 2009

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Internet Tough Guy

Someone who writes/comments on youtube videos/forums and argues with other people or insults other people with extreme confidence (confidence that they normally dont have) due to the anonymity of the internet.

If you tell someone fuck you in real life, they might kick your ass.

If you tell someone fuck you on youtube, they can't kick your ass because they don't know who you are. So ppl like to use this absence of consequence to fullfill their need to raise their self esteem.

Dude, look at this guy talking smack like crazy on youtube, internet tough guys... such losers.

by hondahonda December 9, 2011

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Internet smart guy

The Internet tough guy of academia. Whereas an Internet tough guy pretends to be an all-state linebacker who could totally kick your ass, an Internet smart guy pretends to be an educated professional on topics in which he has limited knowledge.

Internet smart guys will often be found trolling broad discussion topics such as politics and science, but will not fail to comment on very specific specializations.

Common symptoms include, but are not limited to: terrible spelling and grammar, missing the point, limited citations (often from wikipedia), severe caps lock, and inability to handle disagreements.

Innocent forum-goer: I believe that the current correctional system does nothing to improve the behavior of inmates.
Internet smart guy: LOL ARE YOU DUMB?
Innocent forum-goer: Do you have an argument?

by Lotsofgoats May 21, 2011

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Internet Zen Guy

A guy who poses on the internet as the very living definition of calmness.

Whenever an example of someone in the real world (or even online) losing their temper, he will be the first to mock and insult them for their lack of control, as if it could never happen to them.

But secretly, however, they are just as prone to flip out as anyone else, and simply lack empathy or honesty. The internet tough guy's jealous cousin.

<valky> so I got home and I found my wife in bed with my neighbour. I totally lost it, couldn't stop screaming. I threw her out. The kids are with my parents.
<slipklw> you threw her out? jeez what a douche
<valky> don't act internet zen guy with me; I'll fuck your wife and see how you react

by DCH0 February 4, 2009

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internet tough guy

simular to the flamer and angry young man. the internet tough guy is a commonly a individual on the internet who tends to post agressive and threatening posts a marked tendancy towards right wing opnions on pretty much everything. anyone who disagrees with his or on occasion her will usually face a incorherant terade of homosexual referances and direct threats of physical voilence. (despite the sheer implausability of them tracking someone down) irrational hatred of anyone differant or vaguegly left/humane/intelligent or willing to critisise them. Also staunch supposters of anything voilent or aggressive and anyone who isnt is a 'PUSSY LIBERAL FAG'.

in truth internet tough guys are rather sad individuals with little or no dignity or charm

by zombiejack June 19, 2004

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Internet Tough Guy

Internet Tough Guys are the people who you will find in chatrooms, usually having some sort of badass name (e.g., Gladiatior007.) and an intimidating avatar. They'll contantly be bragging about how they beat the shit out of people and steal their girls or are a professional wrestler and weigh 400 pounds of pure muscle, and they'll often say things like "If I knew where you lived, i'd kick your ass." and other bluffs. 99.999999% of these people are socially awkward, weak people with few friends in real life. They are very easy to troll, and pretending to be an ITG is also a fun way to troll people.

Muscleman308: I'll find out where you live and beat the shit out of you!
Lolz:Internet Tough Guy much, faggot?

by sdbgvsgsfg January 26, 2011

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