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New Mexico shit fire

A shot of tequila mixed with Bhut Jolokia hot sauce. Bhut jolokia is, of course, one of the spiciest chile peppers in the world, which makes this like a prairie fire shot on steroids. Definitely not for the weak stomach.

"Hey bartender, I need 6 New Mexico shit fires."

by Real Aggie 10 March 12, 2011

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shit fire and save matches

An exclamation, as in "Well, I'll be," or "You don't say," or "Isn't that something?" Something my uncle says all the time.

Person #1: Hey, did you know that J.J. got thrown in the can?
Person #2: Well shit fire and save matches, no I did not.

by goobershanker April 6, 2004

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holy hell and shit fire

What the hell is going on?!

Joe: I'm leaving my girlfriend and starting a new life in Bulgaria with my new boyfriend Fredrico!
Amber: Holy hell and shit fire! Are you serious!

by Kyle Ann October 20, 2007

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Shit Fire in a Monkey Hole

Term used when a person becomes frustrated.

Hey John, your car just got toed man! John says," Shit fire in a monkey hole!"

by Kevin January 30, 2004

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Shit Fire Out My Ass

When you literally shit fire out of your ass, causing a severe burning sensation. Usually after eating bad mexican or chinese food.

I went home and shit fire out my ass because of all that damn mexican food I ate.

by P-Dog Hilton May 23, 2009

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Shit on fire

One who is ugly and lacks the ability to dress themselves or choose a haircut that a human being should have

Damn that bitch looks like shit on fire!?!

by p122118 August 25, 2008

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Shit fire and save the baby

Just a little more awesome for you to say than shit fire and save matches. It goes along with those sayings like 'Woopie Shit!' and other collective words. This phrase only comes into play in conversations where you are comparing other sayings you have heard in life.

"Hey my mom always says 'Well woopie shit!'" -Kate
"LOLOLOL ROFL" - Kala and Caleb simultaneously.
"Theres one saying I know - Shit fire and save the baby.. at least I think thats how it goes.." -Kala
"What the fuck are you smoking Kala, give us some o dat." -Kate and Caleb.

by Regina Clogginnigger August 31, 2008

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