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Male chav: wears tons of sports wear, has an earring in one ear, (usually a great big fake diamond), wears adidas trainers, and pulls their socks up over their trousers. has a shaven head or awful blond highlights in their short hair. usually seen with a cigarette.

female chav: peroxide blonde hair which is extremely straight or messily scarped up into an incredibly high pony tail which is so tight, they can't move their eyebrows. pregnant at about 14. lots of tacky fake gold rings, so much it's hard to move their fingers. if not in trackies, wears tight trousers or short skirts and a top that shows a lot of cleavage.

ALL chavs smoke, drink and have slept with many people at the 0f at least 14

vocabulary consists of: innit, bruv, braaaaap, fuckin'.
usualy seen outside mcdonalds or tescos
they hate people who like rock music.
they also think their 'well 'ard' (which they are not)
their wrighting in indecipharable, as they refuse to learn, and therefore cannot spell

They are the scum of britain.

conversation of two chavs:
chav 1: s'up ma bruv
chav 2: awwrighttt

by snailee October 19, 2007

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The lowest common denomenator of English society, equivalent to white trash for Americans although with many differences.

The word originates from the embittered attitude of people like myself from being perpetually asked "what yu lookin at?" by an individual dressed up like a cross between a gimp, JJB sports and 50 cent.

Chavs are renowned for their aggressive behaviour, amusing use of the english language, original sense of style and behaviour to society as a whole.

Chavs emerse themselves in a perverted form of a sub-culture: their main music tastes are in drum'n'bass and crap rap. The "female" chavs or Chavettes or Shaza's enjoy r'n'b. They have no apparant interest in literature (lol). In my view their most definitive and humorous attribute is their "use" of the English language, their favourite terms include, "brethren", "rude" and "brrap" (only for the hardcore Chav).

The term "chav" is the commercially utilised form of a notion that has been bouncing around England for years, the specific term being dependant upon location. Popular synonyms include: Pikies, Hood Rats, Kevs, Townies, Neds and many others. The universality of the term if useful in uniting this observation but regrettably depersonalises the word, and also has allowed those whose lives are unaffected by Chavs to pollute and alter the meaning of the term. Because of this it seems inevitable that the term will die out and become a trite cliche.

A chavs attitude to society is one principally shaped by amorality. A Chav feels no sense of "social responsibility" and therefore feels permiited to exploit the wellfare system, mug and beat up strangers. Although it as at this point that the term Chav is shed of its charming innocence and instead tainted with a viscious prejudice, one that assumes the entire populace of the working class consists of Chavs, this suggestion is both moronic and repugnant.

Therefore I believe in order to preserve the dignity and good humour of the term it should only be applied to an individual who firstly demonstrates violence, a true indication of being classless.

The second most substantial threat to the continuation of the term is from the media. The word was formulated through the frustration of adolescents such as myself at being attacked for absolutely no reason (except accidentally and temporarily gazing in the general direction of the individual). And not by some ageing arse-wank journalists trying to revive their long dead and fetid period of being young and cool.

(me and a chav):
"You lookin at me greeb twat?"
"What? How did you work that one out?"
(Punches me in face and I rest on the floor, a pool of blood collecting around me.)
"Fucking chavs"

by passenger May 13, 2005

204πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Average male chav stands around 2 foot 7 inches fully grown, Sporting 2/4 stripe adidas lookalike tracksuits ((rips included)), About a hundred million fake pieces of jewellery which they call their bling ((Might explain why they only grow to 2 foot 7, Too much weight)) The common chav when reaching the required driving age for chavs ((around 8 years old)) poleslide into the chav cave, and into their chavmobile or 'chaviot', Rev it about a billion times ((because they think it makes them hard and it also makes the chavettes wet)), Before hitting the nitros.. Well kicking in their AA batteries they must fit into these 'maxed out' Novas, Neons and bodykits and a paintjob that looks so dodgy it must have been made with 'paint by numbers - for chavs'Their driving skills about as impressive as the chavettes buggy pushing skills, Both hitting everything in sight. ((The average chavette falls pregnant around age 12)) After arriving at McDonalds ((only place chavs don't get asked for ID for being 2 foot 7)) They huddle in their crew and wait for the chance to look hard. When finally the unsuspecting 4 year old comes along licking his ice cream, The chav will jump up screaming 'wat ya lukin' at, wot?.. ya wan' beef!?' ((But if the 4 year old defended himself, The chavs would scatter, Some jumping into nearby bushes, Gardens, Dog Houses, Sewers and Push Chairs of the chavettes)) This is, Of course if they don't have a getaway chaviot nearby. You may say chavs are stupid... and you'd be right, The average chav drops out of school after learning the 2 times table, Most even before this as the work is too difficult ((9 out of 10 chavs think 2+2 is 7)) Lack of education forcing them to make their own language, Can be mistaken for English after a few pints. The chavs cap is like a Samurai's sword, It's like their soul, Slap their caps off and their powerless. Although their final defense is hair so short it'd give you a rash, The shock of this awful site usually giving them enough time to tuck their 4stripes into their socks and leg it back to their 7 time pregnant chavette back at their 1 room flat in the council block. ((Common chavette has hair pulled back so tight it pulls every single part of the face with it.. Pretty much making them look like the bug monster from MIB when he attempts to look like one)) For some unknown reason a chav will always have a bigger brother, Making me think they must all be inbred, Their father being their brother, So on and so forth.

~6 chavs outside McDonalds~
"Yo bruv, Dizzy new heights wot!?"
"Yea blood, Seen, Heard, Smelt"
"Seen.. Seen"

by Liquid Sonic October 26, 2004

309πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


The twats that walk around with some kind of strange limp as if their "hard" and could "kick the shit out of you". To non-chavs, the walk actually looks like the chavs have shit themseleves, they most likely have, when their 15 year old girlfreind(a chavette)tells them shes pregnant.

Chavs are the waste of space that no one likes, the teachers hate them adults hate them, grebs hate them, as do emos and goths. Many townies dont,this is because townies suck up to them so they dont have the piss taken.

Chavs can be found hanging around the streets at night smoking and rolling around on the floor pissed, they'll be in groups of 6-15 so they look "hard".

If a chav says anything to you, you most likely wont understand a word of it, this is because, since their not human they dont talk any word found in a normal dictionary (unless its swearing) they'll be the ones that talk in a strange barking fashion.

A compliment to a chav could include issuing them an ASBO, to them this proves they are a "hard",to normal people it proves they need mental help.

Chav: f*cking greb!
Greb: Wow your smart, next u can learn to count to ten.
Chav: I'll kick the shit out of u!
Greb: Go on then
Chav: *never hits the greb, walks off, muttering* F*cking grebs!
Greb: *shouts after the chav:* wow that really hurt!

by Greb 'n' proud December 4, 2005

38πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Picture this a young lad about 12 years of age and 4 Β½ feet high baseball cap at ninety degrees in a imitation addidas tracksuit, with trouser legs tucked into his socks (of course, is definitely the height of fashion). This lad is strutting around, fag in one hand jewellery al over the over, outside McDonalds acting as if he is 8 foot tall and built like a rugby player, when some poor unsuspecting adult (about 17/18) walks round the corner wanting to go to mcdonalds for his dinner glances at the young lad, the young lad jumps up in complete disgust and says β€œWhats your problem? Wanna make sommin of it? Bling Bling” when the adult starts to walk towards the young lad, the young lad pisses himself and runs off to either his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend or his brother in the army crying his eyes out.

My mate has become a chav what can i do? answer is shoot him before it is too late

by topics May 10, 2003

37832πŸ‘ 7686πŸ‘Ž


Regional variations

charver, scalley, ned, chor.

A social underclass par excellence. The absolute dregs of modern civilization, each one a near clone in IQ (the lowest possible whilst still exhibiting brain stem function), attitude, diet, dress sense, uselessness, abusiveness and complete lack of any sense of decorum.

Likely to be found in congregations outside McDonalds, endlessly smoking cheap cigarettes whilst sporting burberry clothes, masses of cheap 9ct gold jewelry from Argos/Index, baseball caps worn at 90 degrees. Female chavs can be identified from their hair, invariably worn pulled back into the tightest possible configuration and secured with at least 5 "scrunchies".

Unable to converse in any high form of language and too lazy to communicate the limited vocabulary they have properly.

The only good chav is dead one. The only thing better than that is a mass grave full of dead chavs and a 24 hour work crew making way for more...

whodya think your'e lookin at? Ah'll batter ya, y' f***in' div!

(then runs to get older brother at first sign of trouble)

by Jefferson Betamax August 23, 2004

565πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž



(1)Wears jewellery from Argos
(2)Has a pregnant girlfriend, aged 14
(3)Will punch anyone, especially if they are just minding their own business
(4)Socialise outside of McDonald's, shouting at 10-year-olds that pass in the street
(5)Have their own language and slang
(6)Live on council estates
(7)Wear Adidas, Nike etc. Not the 'real' stuff, cheap rip-offs from a market stall.
(8)Can usually be found with a can of lager in one hand and a cigarette in the other
(9)Uneducated, with no ability to read or write
(10)The bane of society

Though stereotypes may divide us, we are all united in hating chavs.

Mikey: Look at this class sovereign ring! An' the gold scratches off it yer wannit to be silver!

Dave: Banged up Bex, now she's got her fifth on the way.
Steve: How old is she?
Dave: 12 next month.

Steve: What 'chu lookin' at? Bring it!
*Scared stranger hurries away, avoiding eye contact*
(4)Mikey: Wanna go out to town?
Dave: Maccy's?
Mikey: Yeh.

Mikey: Innit, blud.


Mikey: Got meself some Adidas an' Nike off the market stall. Innit.

Dave: Yeh, yer startin'?

Steve: Err, yeh, mmmh *grunts*

Two chavs decide to have a drinking contest, but both collaspe from alcohol poisoning and eventually die in hospital. Who won? Society.

by Layla Perry February 15, 2009

340πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž