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Chop Chop

any sexual activity

damn baby, I could really go for some chop chop right about now.

by Jt March 15, 2004

362πŸ‘ 273πŸ‘Ž

Chop chop

Going and cutting off boys dicks

Hey girls are the boys being annoying let’s go get our chainsaws to operate on them

by Sabi is awesome November 2, 2019

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The fugliest, nastiest, most disgusting of them all

Person 1: You saw Zamyr with the mushroom haircut?
Person 2: Mhm. That nigga is chopped.

by Yruey January 24, 2023

828πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


A girl or boy that's ugly. (Or should we say CHOPPED.)

Bro, she chopped. With that ugly ass hair style.

by R.Lavish December 16, 2014

878πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

Chop Chop

Very finely chopped up marijuana and tobacco. Preferably chopped up with decently sized kitchen cutlery on a cutting board, or just any hard surface for that matter (whichever you prefer) and mixed together as if you were creating your own "chop-salad." Once the product is finished being chopped, take the concoction and precisely pack as much as physically possible into a bong, pipe, or bubbler (bong is your best bet), and enjoy.

Also, it's customary when smoking chop in the presence of "virgin choppers," that nobody speaks of the effects of chop chop, but rather just let the victim rip the shit out of the bong and let him marinate in his own sudden intoxication.

**DISCLAIMER: Some may become uncontrollably addicted to chop-chop, however, we are not to be found responsible for any addictions that do occur after reading this excerpt**

Man 1: So, whatcha wanna do for the next hour?
Man 2: I dont know, wanna smoke some chop chop?
Man 1: Yeah, I guess
Man 3: What's chop chop?

Man 1 and 2: *pause* ..... just smoke it yo!

by SCRiMF October 19, 2010

33πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Chop (or spin) is a mixture of tobacco and weed, smoked through a pipe or bong.

Known for its horrible taste and rediculous rush. It's also damn addictive. Hence why only a few smoke chop, but the ones who do tend to smoke it exclusively.

Term used mostly around New Zealand, possibly other parts of the world.

Chop? It's rediculous. Smoke a cone in one, it feels like shooting weed into your veins (if that were possible).

But you then notice yourself wanting one two minutes later.. then another.. then another.

by ACDC55 September 30, 2010

715πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž


Aussie slang for getting beaten in a car race. Smack talk. Usually accompanied by a cutting hand motion like in rock, paper, scissors. Made famous by the Youtube sensation Mighty Car Mods guys Marty and Moog.

Moog got chopped by Marty, so he had to give up his Nissan.

Marty's MX5 got chopped by Moog's S2000 that is powered by unicorn farts.

by Dannydabaker December 20, 2013

623πŸ‘ 197πŸ‘Ž