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1) A non argument used by people, egged on by talking heads. Often used in place of an intelligent point.

2) An economic ideology that emphasizes fiscal responsibility: Saving money as opposed to spending it.

3) A political ideology that less is more when in refference to the scale that Government should play in daily life.

4) Not to be confused with neo-conservative or neo con which emphasizes spending, and larger government.

1) You dirty conservative, you ate my baby!

2) The annual budget report angered many conservatives due to the outrageous disparity between the money created, and spent.

3) Mike appreciated a conservative approach to government, less is more.

4) Most true conservatives are deeply bothered by the wave of neo-cons that have come into existance.

by The Illustrious February 21, 2004

4257๐Ÿ‘ 636๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who espouses the idea of "less government". However, they tend to espouse the idea of "less government" more when it comes to spending money for social programs. They have no qualms about looking over people's shoulders, spying on or jailing people for suspected "un-American activities" at a base that is not even on American soil. Among their interference in our lives: spying on cell phone calls without permission of Congress, saying, "I'm the president. Why do I need anyone's permission?", or using brute military force to enforce their vision of that things should be like on the outside world. They believe in torture in the name of national security. As far as financial responsibility, they believe in shrinking down every part of the government but giving the Department of Defense what is essentially a blank check, and run up horrific deficits fighting senseless, endless wars. Strength is good, but waste is not. They are often religious, but they seem to have Jesus Christ confused with Ronald Reagan. Their philosophies are often subtly or blatantly racist and xenophobic, and they have been known to advocate disenfranchisement of women and minorities (see: ann coulter because these groups overwhelmingly vote liberal and are growing much faster than the aging white male voter base they rely on. Their failed policies were rejected in the 2008 election, by the "true" patriots of our great country.

Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are examples of the consummate conservative gone mad: God, church, family, country, torture, domestic spying, and killing the ragheads.

by Head of the Maids' Union February 15, 2009

225๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž


The fear that someone somewhere, may be happy.

Conservatives believe in equality for all heterosexual, Christian white males.

by KevinM April 1, 2005

741๐Ÿ‘ 581๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most often members of the Republican Party in America.

Most often known as fucking nuts by the rest of the world.

Ohh, look at me! I'm a tree huggin, baby clubbin liberal! I can read and write! I care about people!

- conservative negative ad on liberals.

by rhcp18 February 18, 2010

1049๐Ÿ‘ 833๐Ÿ‘Ž


People whose political philosiphy is based on falsities. There are three kinds of conservatives. The first ones are the rich powrful people. They are conservatives because they are out of touch with the problems in society. Then there's religious conseratives, who ironically think that Jesus wants them to fuck the world up. The third group is the "blue-collar" conservatives who have no idea what conservatism really is; they just follow the first two groups blindly.

Examples of the three conservatives' groups:
Group 1: see George W. Bush
Group 2: see Catholic Church
Group 3: see red states, hicks, and rednecks

by Anne Coulter June 17, 2008

592๐Ÿ‘ 463๐Ÿ‘Ž


what many single-issue vetting hypocrites define themselves as being politically.

It's absolutely sickening, how the Bush Administration lied to us, as do most "Conservative" Republican Administrations - the murdering, the wars, the bribery, the theft, the lies, the coverups, a complete disregard for anyone or anything other than Profits - but, because they claim to be Pro-Life, i must vote for them if i'm gonna make it to heaven.

by bdawg1977 February 13, 2009

239๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž



Contrast with liberal.

1. Kid: "Mom, can we wear our bathing suits today instead of regular underwear?"

Conservative Mom: "No."

2. Citizen: "Sir, can we live how we want, and marry who we want, and work only as much as we have to, decide our own morals, and actually make an attempt to make use of our supposed freedom?"

Conservative Man: "No."

by LeSaint March 2, 2007

279๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž