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Cutting is when someone commits self injury on themselves because it is the only way they know how to cope with what ever it is that they are going through. Some people say that emo's are the ones who cut, but the truth is that 1. emo is a music genre, and 2. even if they did, they would only do it for attention. Where as most cutters try to hide what they do from other people or cover it up. Some people think it is a fad, but it is a serious problem in today's youth, especially in girls (although guys do it too).

PS. sorry about any spelling errors.

Dealing with stress or trauma by becomming cutters. A cutter cuts their arms, legs, stomach, or other parts of their body enough to bleed, and usually leave a mark. Then hides it after releaving the stress.

by TrophieKing February 22, 2006

447๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cutters are people who believe either they need to release pain through cutting themselves or cut themselves to try and feel something.

Some cutters have little slits up and down there are arms and try to cover it up.

by MaryOfNazareth September 6, 2004

639๐Ÿ‘ 235๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who feels so worthless and low that cutting the only way for release. They are not trying to kill themselves. They're trying to live life without killing themselves. A boy or girl can cut. Age,gender,social class, or anything like that, doesn't matter. Anyone could be a cutter. It's a serious mental health illness, and should be treated as such. Cutters, and all self harmers, have been through a lot to be that depressed to have to hurt themselves to feel anything, so respect them. They're some of the strongest people you'll ever meet.

Bully: you're a stupid cutter just kill yourself already you're worthless and you take up too much space, lose some weight fatty.

ann: *goes home and cuts*

by angelx14 December 1, 2011

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a person that feels the need to express thier emotions by cutting themselves. the pain and blood releives thier hurt and they feel better. some do it just for attention. dont look down on cutters....... be thier friend. they might need it and u might save thier life.

Girl 1: omg jennifer she has cuts on her arm! what a freak!!
Girl 2: no shes not maybe she needs a friend.

2 months later
Girl 2: so y do u cut?
cutter: because the pain makes me feel better but now that u r my friend i dont need to. u saved my life.

by Rawr_Under_Your_Bed April 24, 2010

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Someone taking control of their pain, stress, depression or anger by making it physical. Someone who probably doesn't need any more ridicule at this point in their life. Before the modern world it was accepted and highly revered in the form of self-flogging and cutting. Self-injury was a way to outwardly show someone that you've sinned and you're repenting. Whole religions were founded on it. Most cutters are deeply emotional people with very large loving hearts, and when they feel like they've done something to harm themselves or someone they care about emotionally they feel deeply guilty whether they realize in that moment or not. Cutting is an act of repentance by someone who loves completely and can't understand why everyone else doesn't. Cutters have clarity. And when they personally figure out that everyone makes mistakes or that it isn't their fault that life is this way they will gain the knowledge of life and be able to touch everyone they ever meet. Cutters have old souls in a young world.

Sally used to be a cutter, but now she spends her life helping young women with no place else to go.

by Julia Bogart March 28, 2008

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Cutter: To be a cutter is a serious thing that needs to be addressed with an intervention and possibly rehab. Most people associate being emo with cutters but that isn't true it can happen to anyone. It releases natural chemicals in your body to make you feel temporarily better. It usually only lasts a day before the person needs to cut again.

this may seem like a stupid thing to do! but i did it for nearly a year. it got so bad as to be an addiction. when i finally had an intervention i decided to quit myself and skip rehab. i'm glad to say i've been clean for nearly a year but quitting was the hardest thing i've ever done. i'd sit in a corner and shake because my body was addapting so poorly. i couldn't function for a week or two and i lost many friends in the process but it was worth it and i think about it often but i never go back because it was such a dark place. i am a recovering cutter and proud to tell my story to kids (even though i an a kid) because i know it helps a lot of people.

by Katelyn.C February 21, 2007

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Slang term, sometimes degrading, for someone who voluntarily mutilates themselves through slicing, scratching, burning, slapping, biting, etc, because of extreme emotional distress.
Usually they have a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety.
They do NOT want attention or pity. It is a way to vent. It is impossible to fully understand until you start it yourself. There are people of all ages and all cliques and all of everything that injure themselves. It has nothing to do with being "emo" or "goth." It has nothing to do with trying to look "depressed" and it has nothing to do with attention.
Self-injury is addicting. Self-injury is a mode of relief. It's been proven people suffering from mental illnesses are less likely to commit suicide if they injure themselves.
Self-injury is a serious issue that should be delt with seriously. If you can't respect someone just because they injure themselves, you just need to pull your head out of your ass. Please, please, please be understanding and compassionate. It's a sensitive thing. If someone tells you they injure themselves PLEASE be very understanding and just...be there for them. Don't demand them to stop, don't tell them they're stupid, don't ignore them or ditch them, that will make everything worse.

I have been scratching myself for as long as I can remember. I have social anxiety disorder/avoidant personality and clinical depression. I can't look people in the eye. I go mute when someone waves and says hello. I can't stand crowds. When I'm around people my mind goes blank or it rushes with scarring thoughts. I feel nauseous. Dizzy. Lightheaded. I tremble. I cry. I feel cold and hot and virtigo and everything seems so loud and bright and I scream in my head for it all to stop. I feel like I'm dying and going insane at the same time, slowly and painfully. I get panic attacks. There is no way I can stand this. I scratch at my face, my uglyugly acne on my forehead and back. And then I scratch my theighs. There is no route for help, and I've searched. There is no one I can talk to who would understand. I dissect everything I do, no matter how silly it is, I can't let anything go. And I hate myself. I hate my anxiety. And the hard part is, is that it is a personality disorder. It's part of who I AM. I don't just have social anxiety, I AM social anxiety. It hurts. It won't stop or go away. The part of me that can't be changed. I've always been like this. When I was two I refused to talk for two years. In kindergarten I was so unused to social situations, I cried over anything and everything, it scarred me for life. I couldn't help it. I was pathetic. I still am. So I injured myself long before I even knew it was all abnormal. And when I did know it was too late, I was too addicted, I...I'm not really a cutter, but I do injure myself.

by screenaging September 14, 2007

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