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middle finger ring

Are normally promiserings, or collegerings.
It is more comfortable to wear here something sturdy than the other fingers for people who are not used to wear rings.
Some people say it has to do with balance and Saturn.
They are not common for most people wear them on the finger next to it, and you shouldn't assume it has to do something with sexuality.

Girl 1 - My boyfriend gave me a promise ring.
Girl 2- I can see your middle finger ring, it is beautiful! Did you give one to him?
Girl 1- Yes, he is wearing it too in the same finger.

by MissFox2 October 8, 2019

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

ring finger

The 4th finger, between the middle finger & the pinky finger. On the right hand, it's where an engagement ring is worn. On the left hand it's where the wedding ring is worn.

Supposedly there's a vein from the ring finger directly to the heart! Hence that's where engagement & wedding rings are worn.

by Starchylde June 6, 2016

297πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Ring Finger

Definition 1. The Ring Finger is the fourth digit of the human hand located between the middle and little fingers. The Ring Finger is used for wearing of Wedding Rings.

Definition 2. The Ring Finger refers to any digit on the right or left hand (but not the thumb) use to provide finger based stimulation to the anal Oring of a sexual partner during anal play.

Example 1: Sara was so excited to be engaged. She was showing everyone the new rock on her Ring Finger.

Example 2: Sara enjoys it when Carl fingers her asshole. Her preference is for him to use his long, middle finger as his Ring Finger. But she will take any digit she can get when that booty is up and arched from her organic spread.

by Eaton Holgoode April 22, 2015

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

ring finger

the finger that doesn't go in any hole

dude I'm so sad my ring finger doesn't get any action

by thot#_killer October 15, 2018

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

4 fingers up without ring finger

Loyal to only 1 boy

She is holding 4 fingers up without ring finger down she must be loyal to him

by RamFlight October 19, 2022

ring finger down

means that he has too many hoes but fucks none

imma take a selfie with my ring finger down

but that means u get 0 pussy

by omak.3ala.beta3y May 11, 2022

35πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Gay ring finger

The gay ring finger is the middle finger on the right hand. It is symbolic for the right hand because guys do have the right to enter into marriage or civil union. The middle finger represents a sentiment reflected to those that oppose it. As opposed to the traditional left hand/ring finger of heterosexual marriage,it US uniquely for proud gay people.

Are they gay,their wedding bands are on their middle fingers?
Yeah,that’s the gay ring finger.

by lambshund June 26, 2018

39πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž