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fourth of july

When a girl or guy gives you a blow job while they have pop rocks the candy in their mouth.

Before my girlfriend went down on me I had her put some pop rocks in her mouth so I could have a great Fourth of July.

by Douche and Destroy January 19, 2011

33πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

fourth of july

a night where family gets together drinks beer, plug up their big amplifiers and play jimi hendrix version of the national anthem...
and watch fireworks

fourth of july was today and the family got together and drank beer

by Jared1818181818 July 11, 2008

39πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Fourth of July

A day when all non-U.S born people in America go to the mall to annoy those that are being forced to work that day.

Hey Maaaang, we should to go the mall and chill on the Fourth of July!

by Miss Kittie July 11, 2008

60πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

fourth of july

1. An excuse to get fucked up.

2. The perfect occassion to burn an American flag.

This Fourth of July I'm going to get so high and burn the fucking flag.

by bonchay July 11, 2008

64πŸ‘ 218πŸ‘Ž

fourth of july

national sam wilson day, fourth of july is now classified as national sam wilson day.

person: hey it’s fourth of july happy america day

better person: no it’s not it national sam wilson day

by you will never knowwww July 2, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fourth of July

The day fat filthy Americans blow up shit

Fourth of July is great

by Kelmeer23 July 4, 2018

8πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Chunky Fourth of July

When a dildo or otherwise penetrative sex toy is not available, one sticks a firecracker popsicle up an appropriately sized bodily orifice (most commonly the anus), and proceeds to pleasure themselves with said popsicle. After completion, the melted remains of the popsicle are then spurted out of the oriface for everyone to enjoy in a red, white, and blue funfest for the entire family to enjoy! Oftentimes, this is a widely celebrated event, and no patriotic display is complete without it. Those who partake in the activity must rigorously prepare for it with a diet of only prune juice, water, and essential oils for at least a week. If an American Flag is in the vicinity, it is always lowered to half-mast to appreciate the gravity of such a solemn affair. Should time allow after the ceremony is complete, grill hot dogs in the juices and fire a 21 Gun Salute for the troops.

Steve: "Fuck yeah, Bob said he's planning a Chunky Fourth of July tonight!"
Randy: "It's been ages, I sure hope he ate a lot of fiber this time. Last year we didn't even get any corn..."

by Micah Ken Yarmouth Sr. April 20, 2020