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Playing the gay card

Similar to playing the black card, playing the woman card, playing the disabled card, et cetera.
When someone exploits positive discrimination to get their way, and points to a personal trait of theres as a fault which somehow justifies their actions or inability to do something they'd ordinarily be expected to do.
Also used to guilt trip people into taking back something they've said on the grounds of them being insensitive.

Usually just enforces negative stereotypes and is extremely detrimental to the cases of most gay people simply wanting to be treated like normal human beings.

"Muuumm, I can't take the garbage out - I'm gay, remember?"
"Oh, sorry son. I'll do it. Thanks for playing the gay card! I nearly forgot that I'm supposed to treat you like an imbecile for something totally irrelivant to your physical and mental capacity."

"What the fuck are you on about, boy?"
"That really hurts my feelings. I have special needs! It's not easy growing up gay, you know?"
"Erh, don't play the gay card you stupid brat."

"What the hell did you do that for? You just killed 40,000 people!"
"I'm gay! How could I know any better? It's your fault, you straight people have made me unknowledgable through your discrimination."

by kako April 9, 2006

60👍 25👎

playing the gay card

Entertainers in the public eye, who increasly advertise their particular sexual orientation in public, the more popular they become, are "Playing the gay card."

John Barrymore, who formally was not widely known as a homosexual now uses many opportunities to advertise the fact. He is often "playing the gay card."
Such people and there are many, must have previously believed that their sexual orientation may have been a hinderance in their careers. In reality, it hardly makes any difference to the general public who aren't that bothered. But continual reference to it gets boring.

by Doghouse Riley February 17, 2008

19👍 19👎

dropped your gay card

This is a phrase used when also pointing at the floor 'you dropped your gay card" the other person automatically looks at what your pointing to, without realising what you said. When they realise that they are looking for their imaginary gay card on the floor they feel very stupid, but very funny to everyone else.

Person 1. (points to the floor) Geoff you dropped your gay card!!

Geoff. (Looks to floor then feels foolish)

by stephb May 2, 2008

25👍 3👎

you dropped your gay card

A joke played on an unsuspecting person, resulting in apparent 'proof' of their homosexuality.

Person 1: You dropped your gay card.

Person 2 turns round to look before fully realising what Person 1 has said.

Person 1: Hahaha! You must have a gay card! You're gay!!!!

by winz May 11, 2005

129👍 35👎

The Gay Card

The Gay Card is something you give to a gay soccer team (France and Belgia) that likes to drink CockJuice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even at noon with his 3. Time trans (Someone who for example was a guy and became a woman and the regretted it and became a man again)


by TheNonCacoDestroyer July 6, 2018