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A girl with a brave front but a shy inside she will let people believe she is strong, and she is but she is sensitive

Ivy is so brave, how does she do it?

by I6P3H_all I names April 11, 2016

305πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Ivie an amazing human being who puts her friends before herself. A very kind person makes her the friend everyone wants to have, but she doesn’t just let anyone be her friend which is why if you are a friend of an Ivie keep her and cherish your friendship with her. She is so gorgeous and likes complimenting her friends more then receiving compliments. An amazing girlfriend because she will go out of her way to show you that she loves you. A goofball and very emotional Ivie is the friend everyone wishes they had

Ivie I love you sooo much

by Jordan120524 April 9, 2019

50πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Usually likes memes, and will never talk to you again if you call her poison ivy. Completely obsessed with a television show and tends to prefer being in power.

Ivy got no sleep last night because she wanted to finish season 9 of Supernatural.

by plantplantplantplantplantplant December 28, 2016

316πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Bestest friend a girl could have. She is the sweetest of all and she would never hurt you. She is a joker but comes threw in the end. She is the best girlfriend too. She loves every one and no one hates her she is amazing and fun and beautiful .if u meet an Ivy become friends with her immediately!!!

Me: he did you see Ivy

Friend :ya she is the best we should go hang out with her

by megmeggie January 23, 2014

385πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


Ivy is someone who is different things:
1. Ivy can be extremely sensual; sexually appealing and exciting; can get any guy she wants; flirty; knows how to have fun

2. She is so fascinating to watch, with an incredible ability to lure people in with her eyes

3. She can get emotionally hurt easily and is sensitive to criticism, but at the same time she is very strong inside

4. One of the most beautiful people you will meet; beautiful face and hot body however she is very insecure; beautiful smile; makes a lot of girls jealous

5. The best friend ever; very loyal; once she loves you, she will do anything for you no matter what happens; will stick by you through anything and do whatever it takes to cheer you up or help you out

6. Best girlfriend ever; will do anything, sexually or emotionally, for her boyfriend; would never cheat and is very loyal

7. Complicated and mysterious; nobody will ever quite understand how she thinks but everybody wants to try

8. The strongest, hottest, sweetest, cutest, toughest, most caring, warm, kind and loyal person you will ever meet. Makes everybody around her happy and feel special. Worth holding on to!

Person 1: I can't believe you've managed to get an Ivy in your life! She’s so amazing!
Person 2: I know, I'm so lucky

Person 1: Letting go of Ivy was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, I just can't find anybody who can replace her

Person 2: You're not the same without her, and none can replace Ivy.

by Ivy Love Parker September 19, 2020

88πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A rare kind of person who is honest and kind, beautiful and sweet. An idealistic person with lofty ambitions and the drive to achieve them.

"Wow, look at her. Now she's an Ivis!".

One legend has it that the origin of the name is an acronym for Illuminating Valleys of Inspiration from the Sun, I.V.I.S.

by nerdontheprowl February 3, 2010

127πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The best loving cutest in the universe has great talent all the boys like her and she loves her boyfriend with her heart.she is loving kind amazing kind loving awesome funny down to earth girl

It's Ivy

I don't have a chance
I love her

by L32I April 17, 2016

188πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž