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Trigger Nigger

(n.) Someone who triggers on you or the person to an extremely high extent, causing extreme anger. Usually initiated to someone of the black skin colour.

You sir, are a trigger nigger, and cannot be forgiven for your roasts regarding underage memes.

by AhoyMaBoy December 1, 2016

4👍 8👎

Pull the trigger, nigger

Famous last words uttered by KKK leader Virgil Lee Griaaffin (1944-2009), before he was capped by an African American gang member in the streets of NYC. Widely believed to be one last insult to the blacks before death, Virgil's words were a great reflection of his miserable life.

Virgil (against a wall with a glock to his head): "Pull the trigger, nigger".

Black dude: "Aight" (shoots Virgil)

by DannyAndIsaac April 1, 2018

19👍 25👎

Nigger Nigger Pull The Trigger

Taunting someone that is holding a gun toward you. More than likely a nigger.

Nigger Nigger pull the trigger up and down the Ogeechee River

by FusionPanic August 10, 2008

144👍 50👎