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After reading most of these i realize that people have no idea what Rednecks are. We are called racist but most people posting are more racist towards us than we are towards any minority. You say we are sister bangers, nascar lovers, toothless, imbred, ignorant and broke. Those are white trash people. Some Rednecks love nascar and thats fine but that doesnt mean we all do. We are hard workers that love our family, friends and country. You say we drive rusted old trucks and cars and live in mobile homes and shacks. Truth is most of us have better vehicles and houses than the average person because we arent lazy and we work hard for the things we have. We hunt, fish and spend time outdoors but we obey the law doing these things because we want everybody to be able to enjoy these things. So think next time before you point fingers and say we are just ignorant and useless. I would like to see you try to fix your own vehicle.

He should have taken his truck to a redneck it would already be fixed.

by Chance_58 June 26, 2009

3949๐Ÿ‘ 1476๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mildly offensive term for a lower class white person from the southeastern states of the USA. Derives from someone who spent a lot of time on manual labour outside and so received a "red neck" from the sun.

Who says "y'all" anymore, apart from damn rednecks?

by Flash Wilson December 12, 2002

7937๐Ÿ‘ 3128๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who arranges to have their daughter baptized at Daytona Motor Speedway(true story).

The rednecks went to Daytona just to get their daughter baptized there.

by Sean Adler August 3, 2003

3735๐Ÿ‘ 1523๐Ÿ‘Ž


Revised Redneck Characteristic List from the 17th definition:

1. Nascar, Huntin, AND muddin are the main sports
2. Some of us can be very good spellers if we choose it
3. We can pronounce words albeit alittle slowly
4. Duct tape on a car CAN be sexy
5. 30-40+year old trucks have wonderful potential(67 Fords& 85 Chevys)
6. We are VERY sarcastic people, you just don't know
7. Old license plates, deer heads on the wall, and guns (not coins) are great to collect
8. "fart" is not a swear word (it means our in-public flatulations)
9. We listen to country, rock, and occasionaly rap
10. Some of us are computer literate, we're called "hi-tech rednecks"
11. Incest is for white trash, and mountain folk
12. We take logic classes, thank you
13. The main favorite colors are plaid and camo
14. Hell yeah we proudly fly our Confederate flags
15. Our houses would be haunted by civil war ghosts if the house was over a battlefield
16. Roaches are only our best friend when they're not bein shot at with our BB guns fer fun practice
17. We do not keep old Pepsi bottles of urine, it's more'n likely old bottles of dip spit
18. We don't go to ebay for old vehicles, we go to junkyards
19. We don't use MSN, it's more like free Yahoo email or a few of us actually have AOL
20. Most rednecks have to be seriously infatuated with a girl to go "head over heels" for her
21. We are always proud to be a redneck because incest is fer them mountian people and white trash

I'm not makin' this up. I am a proud reneck and I know a helluva lot more like me.

Them rednecks sure had fun at the mud hole last night.

by Simonds July 21, 2006

714๐Ÿ‘ 293๐Ÿ‘Ž


A redneck is simply a caucasian southerner. I will agree, not all rednecks are educated, but some of us are. The fact that a person enjoys outdoor activities does not make them a redneck. You have your redneck, and then you have your WHITE TRASH, or caucasian waste, rather. Rednecks tend to be classier, more intellectual southerners, while white trash folks are described as...well....just read most of the above definitions. Rednecks are not the racists, white trash folks are. You people are getting it all mixed up.

Redneck = polite, friendly southerner who might happen to enjoy chewing tobacco

White Trash = dumb-ass backwater hicks who make southerners look bad.

Redneck phrase: "Howdy, my name's David."

White Trash: "Her her her I like shootin' niggers!"

by Collin Mayfield October 7, 2005

1231๐Ÿ‘ 520๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being more of a redneck than someone else.

I have 4 cars on my lawn, and you only have 2. Therefore, I am rednecker than you are.

by RebeccaLynne August 16, 2007

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A culture centered in the deep south and midwest made up of people who enjoy the simple pleasures of life, such as drinking, farting, and nascar.

My dad's side of my family are rednecks. They argue about beer.

Billy: Why the hell did u get lonestar light. Keystone light's way beter.
Sam: Keystone light went up to 17 bucks a case. Lonestar lite's only 10 dollars.
Billy: So, lonestar lite is nasty.
Sam: No, they taste the same.
Billy: Are you shittin me, lonestar lite tastes like pis water.

by scottydoesknoe November 3, 2005

177๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž