A important movement in which many countries during World War 2 fought against their oppressors, mainly the Nazis and the Japanese. They’re we’re civilian guerillas fighting for freedom in the invaded country. Most notable of these are the Polish resistance, French Resistance, The Partisans(Yugoslavia), the Belgian Resistance, Italian resistance, both Italian Resistance and Italian CLN(Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale) translated in Nation Liberation Comitee, Soviet Underground, Dutch resistance, Greek resistance, and Norwegian Resistance.
Chris “Have you heard about the Polish or French resistance?
Tom “Yes, I have , they’re the most successful Resistances in World War 2.”
6👍 3👎
Dumpy angry little creatures possessing a child like view on the world. To the Resist, the internet is serious business. The resist takes any comments made against it personally and will behave like a whiney little bitch stamping its e-feet and flapping its e-arms whilst having a real life tanty in a simliar fashion to a toddler not getting its own way. This behaviour will carry on for days, weeks, months with the creature exhausting itself over petty little things. Fortunately, these creatures are easily dusted under the carpet.
Dude thats a large looking child. Nah dude, thats a Resist.
67👍 120👎
Someone who does not embrace technology or has a hard time working with technological devices including computers, gaming consoles, email, cell phones, DVRs, remote controls, traffic lights...
John owns a Macbook but will only check his email with it. He's completely tech resistant.
A "plump" or otherwise "healthy" sample from female human species that can withstand the consumption of food until well into the next ice age.
"Dont even think of getting with her yo, she looks to be Famine Resistant!
The french fries remaining at the bottom of a fast food bag after the rest of the meal has been consumed.
Jack wasn't completely satisfied with his value meal until he realized that there were nine members of the french resistance at the bottom of his bag.
283👍 50👎
Primary usage: when inanimate objects seem to be fucking with through basic vegetative noncooperation, usually when you are already in a bad mood, late or drunk.
"My condom is giving me some IR"
"My shirt gave me some major inanimate resistance this morning, wouldn't get off the hanger."
24👍 2👎
Just say, NO!
Avoid the temptation
Relax, don't do it ...
Take a cold shower.
Mebbe later.
"John Mark Karl, the despicable human being that he is, was able to RESIST THE URGE ( if you believe even a shred of his horrible claim to have been 'present when JonBenet Ramsey died'."
"We must RESIST THE URGE to enact laws criminalizing fraudulent confession hoaxes or alleged "intentions of evil".
But killing civilians in 'holy war' and disturbing the peace of innocent minds by systematically causing injury of threat or terror, should be quashed by the fullest extent of all civilized law and power. ...
"We've RESISTED THE URGE for long enough. I say 'NUKEM'.",
38👍 7👎