Source Code


Mandarin Chinese:

The meaning of the word is "I" or "Me"
It can be used to address yourself as English speakers use "I" and "Me".

Wo bu zhi- dao = I don't know

by Mr. Gy October 25, 2006

537๐Ÿ‘ 426๐Ÿ‘Ž


An acronym used for Waste of Sperm.

That giant slob is an absolute WOS.

by Jayman101 April 8, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


"where" in German.

Wo ist die Schweiz? (Where is Switzerland?)

by Mike December 23, 2003

137๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


Walk Over (sports).
"Wo" happens when some competitor or team doesn't show up to match.

The other team is 30 minutes late, I think we should win by wo!

by Lu August 24, 2004

177๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž


a misspelled version of 'was'
when you momentarily forget how to spell three lettered words at 1am

i wos drunk last night

by chuwheeze December 26, 2019


When you're too lazy to type the word: Word.
Wo Wo Word Wo Wo Word WWOORRDD

Wo means oW...

WordroW Word Wo Wo Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Wooo Woo Wo WOOORD Weird Word Woooo

by I LIKE CHEEEZE October 8, 2019


"'Wo' means watch out-what just happened? 'Wo' is a feeling or a mood I'm in some days. It's a lot of self-love."

-quoted from mya

by Rachel July 24, 2003

101๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž