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eye for an eye

if a girl decides to squirt on you, you have the right to squirt back.

once i was eating out my girl and when she climaxed she ended up spilling out her juices all over my face nearly blinding me. Then I looked at her and said, "eye for an eye right?"

by asdflkjdfjoefj June 24, 2007

44πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


To check out a guy/girl. Someone you have a crush on or want to be with for whatever reason.

Zhan: You eyeing anyone?
Mac: Alexis from science

by The Dark Side November 24, 2006

92πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


a way stan twitter uses to say "i-" or "im-"

used when youre speechless or shocked at something.

@skzstan: stray kids outdid your faves sorry @ army thats the tea!

@army: eye

by something_smells_fishy January 11, 2019

491πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


eyes (n.) - Traditionally defined as a feature on a living creature’s body that allows it to see, this simple area of the body is considered by some to be the most beautiful and mystifying physical feature of another person (especially the eyes of a woman). Unlike the breasts, legs, or gluteus maximus (which are often associated with physical beauty in women) the eyes hold value outside of the realm of sexuality. (Some would even argue that, for this reason alone, the admiration of a woman's eyes is more respectable and pure than being physically attracted toward some element of her sex.) Some men find the most dazzling feature of a woman to be her eyes, leaving everything else as all but completely irrelevant. Looking into a woman’s eyes, one can sometimes peer into her soul.

β€œYou’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I can wake up to look into your eyes, every day, for the rest of my life.”

by ScottIsHot July 26, 2005

546πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž

The Eye

"The Eye" is an body expression that is usually used in a topic about girls. "The Eye" is when a girl's eye dilates ( The pupil gets bigger ). When this happens this means the girl sees something she likes.

Here is an example from a song by Common called "Punch, Drunk, Love." feat Kayne West.

" Hey baby am I crazy or was you giving me the eye? You said maybe, well you crazy because I know I'm too fly... "

by 1stn15th June 17, 2009

62πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

eye for an eye

agreement. Used by gangs and crews to describe a relationship with another gang or crew, it means that the crews are cool with eachother, but if one does somethin to the other then they will retaliate.

You shit on me, I shit on you
You put a hit on me, I put a hit on you
Eye for an eye nigga
Survive the shots or die nigga
~G-Unit // Eye for an eye

by McKenzie February 2, 2005

33πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


Often used when trying to get someones attention.

Can also be used if someone tries to trick you, but you realize something.

"Ey, wanna go to mah place?"
"Ey, you, come here!"

by Hrugnir March 10, 2003

387πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž