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handkerchief head

An African American or black person who does not identify with black people and identifies with white people for their own personal gain or because they are afraid of them.

Clarence Thomas is a handkerchief head because he is a black person that does not identify with or help black people and only identify or acknowledges white people for their attributes.

by CKCTT May 20, 2011

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Pleasure Handkerchief

A sexy underwear with lace

Oh God! Look at that pleasure handkerchief!I'm gonna buy it

by hsktr August 14, 2010

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Russian Handkerchief

Throat fucking a decapitated head after an accidental removal durring a car accident while the brain is still alive and the person can see what is happening.

She didn't wear her seatbelt like a good girl so I gave her a Russian Handkerchief.

by scottk1216 June 21, 2018

Kentucky Handkerchief

The practice of blowing snot out of one's nose by pressing shut one nostril and violently exhaling through the open nostril.

Dude, my nose is running and I don't have my snotrag.

Just use your Kentucky Handkerchief why don'tcha?


by docdoober1 July 22, 2009

Salmon Handkerchiefing

When giving oral to a Woman or when needed/ appropriate, her labias are used to blow ones nose for pleasure

"She was really getting into it, before I salmon handkerchiefed her"
"I needed to blow my nose, and since i was already down there... Salmon Handkerchief!"
"her labs were so big!; perfect for a Salmon Handkerchief!"
"Its Salmon Handkerchiefing time!"

by Freckly Downstairs July 29, 2012

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Magician's handkerchief

When you masturbate with both hands, alternating strokes so that you are going in the same direction in a continuous motion, like how a magician pulls on an infinite handkerchief.

Last night I lubed up both hands and gave myself a tug on the magician's handkerchief.

by Adam Bones May 14, 2016

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Jewish Handkerchief

While performing oral-sex on a female, insert one's nose into the vagina and discharge/ blow/ exhale through the nostrils with increased velocity.

Isaiah had no kleenex to blow his nose, so he performed a Jewish Handkerchief on his girlfriend. Subsequently relieving congestion and leaving both parties satisfied.

by Skiamac April 19, 2010

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