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We're in a throuple!

by curtfulfrenchy November 10, 2017

7👍 37👎


We are three best friends that anyone could have...KC/JP/MD

I’d be in tatters without my throuple.

by LineGraph October 26, 2019

2👍 15👎


A romantic relationship that includes three people who are banging like crazy, and more than likely pretend that they aren't. If asked about it: deny, deny, deny.

I heard TheStarlessAbstract, Rose, and Paradoxical are a throuple now... maybe they'd let me watch if I asked nicely.

by design_by_booty November 20, 2024

2👍 1👎


A couple that has a mutual friend or third wheel that is always with them.

Or when a couple’s mutual friend consistently hangs out with them after 6 months or more.

This includes hanging out together on known couple holidays like Valentine’s Day.

Ever since Bob broke up with Kim, he and Ted and Michele have become a serious throuple.

by Fortune_Cookie February 16, 2020


A descriptor of three units of measurement.

A throuple years from now…
A throuple tic-tacs.
A throuple grams.

by TheGreatestCatsby August 20, 2023


Act of joining together to form a throuple

Actually, she’s moving in.

We are throupling.

by juancamilogc December 31, 2018