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Blue Tick Syndrome

When someone has a constant habit of reading messages and not replying on WhatsApp (social media)

Samantha: "Hey Ashley ... What the hell is wrong with Trey ... He's like, reading my messages and not fucking replying!"

Ashley: "Oh well ... You know .... He got Blue Tick Syndrome"

by PrincessCherryBomb December 12, 2015

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Blue Tick Lifestyle

Males living a life that will guarantee to you getting "Blue-Ticked", i.e. getting ignored by females on Whatsapp.

The lifestyle includes getting very high every night with the boys, and "questionable" party habits.

No wonder he's single, he's stuck in that blue tick lifestyle.

by daybar123rat May 3, 2016

Blue tick bitch

When your having a long whatsapp convosation or you message someone and they read it (blue tick) and don't reply just push you to the side

Tom WhatsApps Kieran 'good morning sir'

Kieran reads message (grey ticks turn blue)
Tom does not receive a response

That would make keiran a blue tick bitch

by Thebluetickvictim August 7, 2017

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Blue Tick Army

A large group of boys. They are constantly getting "blue-ticked" by girls.

This means that they are being ignored by all of the girls that they speak to on WhatsApp.

Look at that Blue Tick Army outside, it is quite embarrassing.

by daybar123rat May 3, 2016

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2 blue ticks

To successfully complete a task. Normally one which has been witnessed or viewed but does not necessarily receive acknowledgment. Derived from WhatsApp's read notification of 2 blue ticks.

Did you see me on the climbing wall?

Yeah, 2 blue ticks for completing that hard route.

by Romeo Bravo November 16, 2021

Blue Tick Ass Wiper

Someone that calls another person a "Blue Tick Wanker" because they are not as popular and successful like the one with the official account and cannot come up with a good punchline or comeback.

Girl 1: Why is he mad?
Girl 2: He is a Blue Tick Ass Wiper that is why

by Moimoi667 May 23, 2015

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blue tick wanker

Someone (particularly a lady) that takes pride in not replying (blue ticking) text.

I texted my crush and got no reply, it turns out she's a blue tick wanker.

by gyred January 3, 2019

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