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A race whose origination is still unknown (they either originate from South East Asia or South America, both of which have strong supporting evidence). Tongans have a huge history in which many of todays generation are unaware of with christianity accepted less than 200 years ago. Many Tongans could actually say three to five generations ago their elders were once powerful warriors or even chiefs. Tongans today are reaping the benefits of their parents or great grandparents hardship to find a life with better opprtunities overseas like New Zealand or Australia. Tongans need to realise the pain they went through for us. They came into New Zealand or elsewhere as working class men and worked their butts off for us to have quality education to live life in a less struggling and painful way.Many are in sport teams with some making the elite level of their specific sport like the NRL. Tongans have a lot of raw talent being naturally athletic whilst in their adolescent years are striving in sport. However they hardly have much motivation which stops them continuing when school finishes. But to change this is for them to change themselves. It would keep them focused and out of trouble.These polynesians are friendly and all they want is respect. Don't be taken aback when you see them because when they notice that, they will have a grudge against you.

You have to meet a Tongan to understand.

by MadBaggage January 29, 2012

38๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Primative people that have escaped Tonga on a supply ships, have extemely large flat noses ,hence the reason why they don't have a problem with their stench they emit because their noses are so mutalated that they have only the slighest sense of smell, afro-styled hair, extremely large eyes and ears, overall a very large physique, most are morbid obease due to their canabalistic nature. Their intelligence seems underdeveloped. The Tongan language is digusting in nature, as to a non-Tongan speaking person it may sound like "groans, grunts as well as loud breathing". In comparison to the Samoan race, Tongans are stupid, ill-mannered and try to fight anyone who is smarter than them i.e. Everyone.

Keep well away from that boy Billy, he's a Tongan

by Monopoly April 20, 2006

175๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž


Humble,happy,funny people!!
Brown or tan coloured.
James cook named the island Tonga the friendly islands!!

Coz u noe how we do!!

We da best!!

Koe ha? Feinga mai!!

No 1 baby heheheh



by Tongan's Fynest July 11, 2008

76๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


Very smelly bitch ass faggot's that Samoans don't like. I've never seen a fuckin' Tongan whoop a Samoan.

Fuck a Tongan, I'll leave a bitch leakin' and split.

by 2LA May 14, 2004

199๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž


A descendant of seafaring Polynesians that once ruled Polynesia from Samoa to the North, (Tonga is the term for 'south' which is why the country is named as such, being the southernmost part of the Polynesian Kingdom), Fiji to the West, and Marquesas to the East. Because Tongans loved (and still do today) the physical and mental challenge of overtaking others' lands and property, they sought and overcame much through war and wit. Today many Tongans are proud of the fact that their island home has never been overtaken or ruled by a foreign entity. (Every other land in Polynesia was eventually overtaken by foreigners although it might not have been so if the Tongans had remained in power.) Tonga remains Polynesia's lone monarchy. It has at its roots thousands of years of rule by chiefs and kings of Tongan heritage.

Son: Those Tongans are some big boys.
Dad: The smaller one's ancestors were killed off in war and illness over the centuries, and because there was never an influx of new, smaller, foreigners the people have remained overwhelmingly big, strong, and smart.
Son: That makes sense.

by California1800 October 18, 2007

59๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Tongan is someone: Male or Female who is one hundred million times smarter and more educated then anyone who has said anything remotely negative about (Tonga/Tongans) That includes the person who has last put his/her definition (Rubbish ideas) about Tongans on this site.. Obviuosly you cant use big words aye! Thats alright its not your fault! Just ask the unemployment department to sponsor you so you can attend a course or special English language seminar, instead of using your last $5.50 from the weekly doll to pay to sit by yourself in the corner of a video ezy computer cafe to write about something you have no idea what so ever about!!!!

Theres no need to hate, but i myself considered what a few small minded people had said. I myself am a Tongan and find some of the definitions to be a bit far fetched.

by siaosi March 4, 2007

79๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tongans are a very ugly and dishonest race of primitive proto humans. They are only half evolved compared to modern humans and they have the physical features of Neandertals. They have large physique, and are almost always overweight. Tongans possess some of the ugliest facial features on earth, with their ugly broad noses, heavy melanin infused skin, ugly greasy hair. Don't ever hire a Tongan to do any construction or yard work or house improvement work. Despite their claim to be Christians, they have no moral scruples and will lie their teeth out to get you to hire them by low-balling their bids only to cheat you big time later by jacking up the prices. And if you don't pay up they will threaten to use physical violence and other illegal tactics to squeeze money out of you. Stay away from Tongans and don't touch them with a 10-meter pole, if they came knocking on your door to do home improvement work for you.

Tongans are crooks. I wouldn't touch a stinking, ugly dishonest Tongan with a 10-meter pole.

by don't like Tongans August 27, 2011

93๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž