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Trans Rights

To respect someone who is trans

Person 1: Iā€™m trans
Person 2: I respect you and support you
#trans rights

by Aesthetic Lily Flower May 31, 2021

91šŸ‘ 358šŸ‘Ž


A person who is Authoritarian-Right but identifies as Libertarian, or vice versa.
Not to be confused with trans rights, something that people who are Trans-Right would be against.

Ben Shapiro may identify as a Libertarian, but a lot of his opinions are inherently authoritarian: ant-gay rights, anti-feminism, banning porn and drugs and corporate demagoguery over communal democracy under the flimsy pretense of a meritocracy.

Like a lot of other people of the Trans-Right, he thinks the Political Compass is a liberal conspiracy because it is more accurate than his own claims.

by The Logical Fallacy January 29, 2021

18šŸ‘ 88šŸ‘Ž

Trans Rights

A statement that people say because they think there's a human right they don't have.

"Trans Rights are human rights!"

"What right don't you have? The right to groom children?"

by Anonymous Anon 1886 May 5, 2024

183šŸ‘ 5šŸ‘Ž