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A refusal to accept the tenets of transgender ideology as defined at this very moment in time - i.e., if you accepted them when it just meant not being mean to trannies but don't accept them now because you think (and can prove) that biological sex exists, then guess what? You're a transphobe!

Used as a (decreasingly less successful) means of silencing people who think that segregating intimate spaces based on sex still has some merit (because babies tend to start falling out of vaginas 9 months after small gamete producing humans stick their wieners in large gamete producing humans and eject said small gametes).

Bob: "I'm going to wear a dress to work and call myself Jemima. Will you call me Jemima?"
Female co-worker: "Of course, I'm a nice person"
Bob: "Will you refer to me in the third person as she/her?"
Female co-worker: "Of course, because I don't want to upset you and I'm quite happy to have a man tell me that I don't know how to use the English language correctly despite having spoken it without incident my entire life"
Bob: "I'd like to start using the women's toilets because I'll feel more comfortable"
Female co-worker: "I'm sure that won't be a problem because your comfort is far more important than any pearl-clutching concerns that us women may have"
Bob: "So you believe that trans women are women?"
Female co-worker: "Well I can't see the cost of me agreeing so of course I think you're a woman in spite of you never having menstruated and being stronger than most women on the planet"
Bob: "I'd like to come on the women-only spa day so that I can sit in the hot tub with my lady cock out in front of all you ladies that don't have cocks"
Female co-worker: "er...of course, because it's a struggle for you being in a room full of semi-naked women whereas us women have no problem being used to serve your fetish...I mean 'helping to affirm your true self'"
Bob: "I'd like to join the women's rugby team that you also play on"
Female co-worker: "I'm not sure that's safe, as I'm 5 foot nothing and you'd flatten me like a pancake"
Bob: "That's Transphobia you terf bitch!"

by SalopianSnark March 16, 2023

20๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


The quality of being transphobic, to treat people differently because they're transgender.

On realizing that the hot girl he picked up at the bar was actually a guy, Arthur had an outbreak of transphobia.

by feather_serpent November 26, 2009

111๐Ÿ‘ 255๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone has nothing better to do but be an asshole and think another is inferior because they dared to be ever so slightly different.
Or, a better definition: My parents

Person 1: "I'm transgender."
Person 1: "Looks like someone has a severe case of transphobia."

by O5-[Redacted] November 25, 2022

21๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


The hatred of people under the transgender umbrella which can include misgendering them, not using their correct pronouns, saying that they cant change their gender (which is different from sex), etc.

"Transphobia is a serious problem and needs to be stopped!"

by Saphire Moon July 20, 2022

16๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Y'all's arguments of it not being a phobia cuz "phobia means fear" is bullshit. Look up the definition of phobia. It is "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something." Aversion means "a strong dislike or disinclination." So y'all just hate trans people, stop trying to use "grammar" to cover it up ya damn terfs.

Transphobia is real, and it's incredibly harmful in society today.

by coveted seed July 24, 2023

13๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


the complete opposite of trans rights

and also an evolution (I use the fucking term evolution very loosely here since you don't evolve if you do this shit) of homophobia

now if you're a real chadasaurus REX on the internet you'll know this shit's pretty fuckin stupid no matter who you are (lgbtq+ or not is what I mean by who you are)

however if you're the opposite of a chadasaurus rex and are an absolutely unhinged little basement critter you'll be sitting on that greasy half-broken gaming chair typing "b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but trans people are mentally ill!!!!111!!11!!1!" while listening to little dark age or whatever the edgy 15 year olds are listening to these days

I'm straying fucking far off from the point here tho

even if you're straight you gotta acknowledge it's kinda fucking stupid

like there's bigger problems to deal with and trans people aren't even a fucking problem they're just normal ass human beings

chadasaurus rex one:yo what do you think of transphobia
chadasaurus rex two:that's some stupid shit if I've ever seen it
fascinating demon which dwells in the basement:fuck you homophobia STRONG

chadasaurus rex one and two:shut up exit the fucking house for once you fucking tub of lard

by gman gaming July 15, 2022

15๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


A perfectly normal phobia of a woman with a penis, or a man with a vagina.
Like fear of the headless horseman.
A perfectly human response to seeing genitalia on people who would not normally have that particular genitalia.
Fear of pregnant men, and men with periods.
Nothing to do with hatred or bigotry.
A perfectly normal phobia.

"I almost got some action last night, but she pulled her pants down and had a weiner bro"
"aww bro that's gross I'm so sorry that you had to experience that, but Imma make fun of you for it ๐Ÿคฃ"
*waiter walks in* "are you two *cough*nazis*cough ready to order?"
"Yeah we'll have the"
"You know what, I heard your conversation and I have the authority to ask you two to leave"
"Yeah, uh, that transphobia talk is not welcome here, this is a hate free zone"
*dudes leave and walk to fast food instead*
"That guy was scary right?"
"Yeah man what a creep, I came to eat not have nightmares"

by pseudo_menudo_forefather April 10, 2023

7๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž