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white trash

This has to be the most racist racial slur ever. It implies that non-whites are stereotypically trashy. Therefore any white person that is vulgar,poor, and or helpful to non-whites is cosidered "Trash" to the "Great White Race". Of course that is bullshit because there is no great race except the human race.
The term really is the word used to uphold something called White Privilege among Whites. White supremists want to uphold White Privilege by using the media and featuring Blacks in inferior roles. Whenever a person reasons against White privilege they are considered "White Trash".

The upholding of "White privilege" by using the media has to be stopped. Therefore the term "White Trash" is the worst racial slur ever. This is America and we White Americans should recognize that the races are equal. As for non-whites, they could be themselves withut being "trashy".

Racist: "Look at Africa, it is messed up". The news proves Black people have no capability of running themselves".

Sensible One:
"The news mainly points out problems".

"What are you talking about ? Let me guess, you are White Trash LOL ".

Sensible One:
"Just because I gave a reasonable response to your racist comment does not mean I'm White Trash".



by Modern Socrates August 24, 2005

5381πŸ‘ 661πŸ‘Ž

white trash

Slang term for white people that usually live in a trailer park. With low incomes that spend their tax returns on things like big screen TV's instead of clothes for their kids. These people tend to be mouthy and fight frequently. Generally these people are uneducated and have little concern for personal hygiene. To see these people at their best watch Jerry Springer.

What happened on Jerry Springer today? Oh, the usual. Some White trash ho beat down her white trash boo because he was getting freaky wid the white trash neighbor who is married to her father.

by itsjussme February 29, 2004

7522πŸ‘ 1337πŸ‘Ž

white trash

all of you filthy american cunts

george w bush is just a texas white trash

by titino chingon September 1, 2006

6148πŸ‘ 1108πŸ‘Ž

white trash

White trash has nothing to do with money, and nothing to do really with how someone looks. You can be homeless or poor without being white trash, conversely you can live in a mansion and be white trash. See Paris Hilton or Britney Spears. Also white trash love to be in tribute bands for when it comes to art they are at best imitators. See Bon Jovi look alikes. White trash has nothing to do with blood line. You can have white trash parents and not be white trash yourself. You can be a Vanderbilt and have a white trash child. White trash is a mind set and a condition of the heart. The term denotes Anglo-Saxon ancestry but can really apply to anyone who thinks this way.
A white trash person revels in being stupid, is proud of it in fact. A white trash person is never ever wrong and never ever to blame. A white trash person is always the victim and never the perpetrator. A truly white trash person does not even know they are white trash. If you think you are white trash, you are probably not, for that means you have lowliness of mind, a white trash person actually has an monomaniacal Ego. They often will try to imitate others that they feel are intellectual or artistic and emulate what they think are socially desirable traits, however their work will have little soul or substance. Example: I have this friend Avery, she thinks she is an artist because she has the money to afford huge canvases but most of her work is ripped off of or copies of other people's style such as Picasso. When she's not pretending to be an artist she is hanging out at bars, which cater to the white trash mystique; dartboards and bad cover bands and peroxide hair.
It's not that a person with a bad dye job or who is stuck in the 80's is white trash; it’s just coincidental that people that enjoy those things have a mindset that is completely atavistic.
There are exceptions to every rule. Even in Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell referred to some poor whites as the {Gentile Poor} meaning that although these individuals were in reduced circumstances that they were individuals of class, taste, and character and the "gentile poor", were always referred to separately in the book from "white trash". Ironically those who judge others for being white trash just because they are poor, are actually white trash themselves. White trash tends to worship and slave after their mammon God Money the most. That is why they have no problem with corrupt business practices with a company like Wal-Mart.
Being judgmental is a white trash trait, as well as being selfish and verbally abusive to others. They love to make others cry and see them hurt. A white trash person is more likely to turn their backs on their friends, stab them in the back, after using what they could get out them. They tend to be social parasites and try to ingratiate themselves into social circles completely for their own personal gain without ever planning to give back. White trash individuals especially the females, tend to be manipulators and very controlling of the men in their lives. They do have a tendency to be in bad physical shape or have poor dental health; although those things do not automatically make a person white trash. Some of the best saints in the world were the most ugly people in the world.
Ironically some white trash are quite attractive and wealthy such as Paris Hilton. A White trash person has no desire for self-improvement like learning a foreign language or reading a good book, or if they do it is only for show, such as having impressive titles on the shelf, or knowing only a few French phrases and claiming to be fluent. See my friend Avery.

She acts as if she were the goddess of art and culture, but people that truly know her inner workings see her for the bottom feeding white trash she truly is.

by Sandra Monday August 6, 2007

1267πŸ‘ 324πŸ‘Ž

white trash

(Noun) A chain-smoking, 300+ pound Welfare termite that can be found wearing oversized Looney Tunes apparel, 65-pocket stone washed denim with lace accents and costume jewlery that smells like a cats asshole due to their excessive amounts of uncaged animals in a 10 x 5 trailer, with scattered animal shit lining their property (lot). Avid QVC shopper and Schwann's consumer who puts televised shopping over the cleanliness and well-being of their 15 illegitimate, shit-faced children. Also, a sue-crazed, government leech who drives an uninsured woodpaneled station wagon or Dodge Neon with NASCAR or Wrestling stickers littering the windows.

Crystal's white trash daughter Destiny woke up under a pool table with a used rubber hanging out of her ass last night and her Taz t-shirt glazed.

by Cory & Justin February 27, 2008

488πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

White Trash

Usually uneducated whites that inhabit trailer parks, low income apartments or live out in the woods.

They tend to eat pork rinds, KFC, varmint critters and drink a lot of pop and cheap beer.

Their mode of transportation is easy to spot - excessive exhaust, no muffler, numerous rust or primer stains, the WE SPEAK ENGLISH IN THIS COUNTRY bumper sticker and bungee cord keeping the trunk down.

The tend to vote Republican even though Republicans never make their lives any better.

Their sole pride is the big screen TV so they can spend the majority of their time watching WWE, Springer, Spongebob, South Park and NASCAR.

They have 4 kids before the age of 25 and their kids are little version of them - dumb, fouled mouthed and smelly.

There were so many confederate flags at the NASCAR race I thought it was a Klan rally...........stupid white trash

by glum68 December 23, 2008

160πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

White Trash

White trash doesn't just apply to low income hillbilly families who live in a trailer park, white trash can be found in any neighborhood of any social class. Some perfect examples of white trash are:

Having broken appliances, plumbing fixtures, and/or stripped cars on their front lawn.

Someone who lives in squalor, has garbage piling up all over their house and feces caked into the carpet while having 14 neglected incest kids with adhd running amok.

Being 14 and pregnant and if the kid comes out white, all the possible fathers are related to her.

Has a meth lab and/or meth addiction.

Someone who collects welfare or disability even though the individual is perfectly able bodied.

Someone who is missing most of their teeth before the age of 20 (due to lack of oral hygene, getting into drunken fights, and/or meth use.)

The watchers of and the guests on Jerry Springer, Maury, Steve Wilkos, Dr.Phil, and Judge Judy.

The watchers of American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, Mike and Molly, The big bang theory, 2 and a half men, NASCAR, Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Real housewives of anything, AFV reruns, and Cops also fall into this category.

If you are blood related to your biological parents in more than 1 way, making the "family tree" into the "family stump".

Somebody who has been on Cops.

Miley Cyrus.

Hippies , rednecks, backwoods hicks, emo kids, wiggers, juggalos, hipsters, gamers, and metal heads are other forms of white trash and they usually come from families with white trash backgrounds.

Not everyone who lives in a trailer park is white trash, it is found everywhere. In fact, you can even find white trash living in gated communities. Being white trash is how a person acts and/or what conditions they have themselves living in.

by A WHITE GUY April 27, 2015

73πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž