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Government healthcare program thought up by a group of rich white men posing as politicians that will provide you with enough coverage for a band-aid. Unless of course you are one of the rich.

I went to the E.R. with a severed finger. Having Trumpcare , they reattached it with a band-aid...thankfully I can sew!

by DFThompson March 11, 2017

3261👍 3935👎


1) Obamacare with Trump's name slapped on it with his gold label maker

2) A plan that would only benefit Trump's rich friends in the medical industry that give the Trump Foundation lots of donations and stay in his hotels

Thanks to Trumpcare, I'm living in a new cardboard house because I went in debt trying to pay for cough medicine.

by UndergroundEd42 February 8, 2017

51👍 56👎


The antonym to Obamacare which makes everyone healthier, Trumpcare causes everyone to get a virus and become sick.

Our politicians didn't do much and now we all have the coronavirus. I guess that's Trumpcare for you.

Trumpcare, making America sick and dependant.

by Allodian March 18, 2020


The best care there is. Not even Obamacare is better.

Tom- I died yesterday
Anna- Did you get Obamacare?
Tom- No, of course not. Only Trumpcare can save me.

by JoenMemes March 20, 2017


TrumpCare: Take two aspirin and call me it the morning.

Hey honey, should I take my TrumpCare in the morning or wait until bedtime?

by flying ScFlyFlFlying Scottsman September 26, 2017