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A crazy wild child

A stalker
Someone who has no chill at all

Tyla is a wild child.

by Cupcake980 November 8, 2017

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Blonde ass bitch that takes no one's shit.
No patience, tolerance for stupidity, and
has weird obsessions over boys and arm hair.
Can be shy at first, but once corrupted, they'll
never go back.

Wow, way to be like a Tyla.

by Maria Vagia April 2, 2009

196πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž


Just dumb

1:Hey you know Tyla 2: yea dumb

by Rostingppl April 19, 2021

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A fucking eshay

Shave that mullet Tyla ya fucking eshay

by -yxldx September 17, 2019

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A dumb artistic idiot who doesn’t do his work in class. He enjoys playing video games and will never get shouted at because he is a bitch and a soft cock he does not wear shoes and will also be referenced as a Dinosaur mainly a velociraptor due to him being very fast in HIS artistic mind.

You are a Tyla

by Darardadtadtvsnksni August 31, 2019

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


(adj) 'Tyla is an xbox live slang for someone or something that is at the highest level of stupidity. used to dis someone or as a friendly joke.

(n) someone at the highest level of stupidity. Looks stupid, acts stupid, IS stupid. A person who you do not want to be around for within six minutes, you will wish there was a bullet in your head.

definition 1-

gamer1: come hide in the sniper tower. we can rape these n00bs from here.

gamer2: there's a guy chasing me.

gamer1: then don't come up here!

gamer2: too late.

gamer1: goddamnit. you're as stupid as a tyla!


Definition 2-

person1: i got tyla as my partner for the science project.

person2: hahaha-you're screwed!

by TylaTylaTyla April 20, 2009

40πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


Tyla is the most annoying person on the planet. She may seems quiet at first but once you get her talking, she will not stop annoying you! She has an ugly face and nasty hair. She likes girls to the extreme but she will not admit it. Tyla is found this way by everyone and has a face only a mother could love.


by Anonymous102009 November 13, 2012

35πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž