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University of Arkansas Fort Smith. Quite possibly the poorest excuse for a college in the nation. It is a glorified community college that instead of expanding parking and such they want to build more dorms for some reason. The teachers there are as liberal as they come and spout off pathetic lines like, "People who don't abort children with Down's Syndrome are irresponsible." I'm not kidding either...

Child: Should I go to UAFS or live under the bridge?
Parent: Neither, they're about the same.

by UAFSsucks March 23, 2010

14👍 21👎


Ugly Ass Fuck

I would ask Eddie out but I’m uaf😪

by ItsYaGirlBre June 15, 2019


Stands For Unwillingly Alone Forever.
Used to describe a male who believes he is destined to remain alone forever.

Jim:What’s Up?
Kai:Just Wondering Why Im UAF

by Bio_Marine October 31, 2021