To be looking for woman to hook up with.
Refers to a killstreak in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, where a UAV (unarmed aerial vehicle) would indicate the location of enemies on the minimap. Similarly, cracking the UAV means looking for woman to have sex with.
First coined by the TikToker onlyonedan
On Friday night, the lads and I will be cracking the UAV at the club.
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Killstreak included in the popular video-game 'Call of duty'.
Once activated, knocks out all enemy radar for 30secs.
Despite being considered a 'waste of a killstreak', counter uav is perhaps one of the most potent on offer. Benefitting not only yourself, but your whole team too.
Often used by teamplayers, despised by noobs can help weaker teams to victory. Leaves radar-dependant enemies blind and disorientated.
Me- "Anyone got uav or counter uav? Thats what I'm rockin, I play for the good of the team."
13yr old teammate- "Screw you noob, I'm goin for my tenth nuke ftw"
Me- *quits game*
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Like lght follow Young $uave on soundcloud
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1. What is said on Call of Duty 4 when you get a 3 kill streak. A UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) helps you know where the enemies are on the radar in the game.
2. What you say when you see a mass pwning of people whether in real life, movie or a video game(besides CoD4)
1. After getting a 3 kill streak in CoD4, billy pressed right on the d-pad on his xbox controller to activate the UAV.
2. While watching the new Rambo movie, in the theater, some kid yelled out " OUR UAV IS ONLINE " when Rambo was on the 50 cal shooting the soldiers.
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The dynamic duo, better hope they don’t catch a FA kid in Snipers only mosh pit
“Dude back out it’s (Stixz and Uav)
Cold War unstoppable duo, super based, super skillful, supa good at call of duty
“Look it’s Stixz and uav we better que dodge”
“Stixz just hit a 360 on me and uav has me in my spawn”
when a person gets with or pulls multiple girls. in reference to call of duty when you get 3-4 kills(bodies in this case) you call in a UAV.
Obama just got all three of their numbers, wow he is gonna call in a UAV pretty soon.