Source Code


1) Whats USMS, its like a pile of dog crap, no one knows where it came from or how it got there but when you see it, all you know is its a load of shit

2) United States Mystery Service, or, United States Made-up Service

"LCDR Reagan, wait, wasn't he a gunnery sergeant in the marines?" "Yea, but he joined USMS and anything's possible there"

by Captain _____ GC September 15, 2013

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USM 1940s

A small group that has a great fort but has toxic Lieutenant Generals who arrest people for hopping in a truck without warning.

ā€œIā€™m a Lieutenant General and I love arresting people for no reasonā€ USM 1940s

by USM 1940s November 16, 2020

USM 1960's

The United States Military in a lego game. They get all the girls roleplaying as some Lego Military Men.

"Hey, are you in the USM 1960's?"

"The what?"


by AliveMessi102 November 13, 2020

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Unidentified Squirrel Meat

I went to my local fast food restaurant and got some USM

by Jupitertints September 24, 2023