Source Code

Artificial Unintelligence

When the AI butchers the hands again

Wow i'm loving ChatGPT's new AU feature. Artificial Unintelligence is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

by IntergalactalEnergy July 10, 2023

Unintelligible Crete

A person who is so idiotic that everything they say is incomprehensible

A: I think pedophilles should be part of the LGBTQ+ community

B: Most likely because you are an unintelligible crete

by AAAAAAIDONTKNOW December 25, 2021

unintelligent hair

Hair where a certain section of it protrudes in an abnormal and down right creepy fashion, to the extent that it makes that person and everyone around him/HER feel and act retarded. This usually results in everyone screaming nonsensical things and attempt to push down the strange hair.

Girl: OMG Michael look at Yocelyns' unintelligent hair. ELIOT!
Boy: I know every time I look at it I want to push it down. PADOODELY!
Girl: Me too but she wont let me. SKEDOOSH!

by Mungo Naples May 9, 2009

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I am unintelligent

when ur not smart

i am unintelligent
thank you kanye, very cool

by mrquackingsoniscool March 26, 2019

Unintelligent ignorant dance brainless mindless foolish dull slow simple minded empty head vapid idiotic moronic imbecile brain fungus

Bro you were so goddamn fucking stupid then I had to pull out the goddamn dictionary to understand how fucking stupid you are

Unintelligent ignorant dance brainless mindless foolish dull slow simple minded empty head vapid idiotic moronic imbecile brain fungus Is defined as β€œThis man is so fucking stupid, that it is nearly impossible to understand how fucking stupid he is”

by theGuythatHasAbrain May 26, 2022

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Something that keeps you from connecting A to B.

If the guy was looking to be understood, he wouldn't have been unintelligable about it.

by Solid Mantis February 25, 2021