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My somewhat boyfriend (he’s on trial) thought it would be a great idea to sneak his twitter account and watch women with their privates out knowing it was wrong and felt bad but did anyways because he was a unloyal piece of shit no bitches cunt ass slut who also texts instagram models 3 days ago off a fake account. This is not the first time this has happened. the past month he went on twitter 20 times but claims he only watched women twice cuz he was just scrolling and told me face it’s because their attractive but you’re the most attractive but “what i can’t watch women cuz their attractive” um no the fuck you cannot you can to hell. then he said most men do this. but gets mad when i say “ugh men” when this is exactly what they do you women they “love and are in love with” #imbecomigalesbain #havefunwatchingmefuckkbitchesonurnewtwitteraccount #fuckyou🖕🏿

my somewhat boyfriend (on trial) is a unloyal piece of shit no bitches cunt ass slut who like to mentally cheat on his girlfriend!!! stay safe ladies and kill men xoxo

by fuckdanny1552847 January 26, 2024