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upper middle class kid

A kid that isn’t rich but isn’t middle class and isn’t poor, a kid that has a good amount of expensive things, but not too many. A kid that for the most part lives a great life and gets what he wants all the time, don’t get me wrong he doesn’t get it at that very moment.

I got a lot of shit but I ain’t flexin I’m a upper middle class kid!

by Anonymous02062005 November 12, 2017

Urbane Upper Middle Class

Uber polite and polished, Subaru or Volvo driving grownups

He is your typical urbane upper middle class.

by Matty Urbane May 16, 2018

urban upper middle class trap star

Surburban teens and young adults that live at home with their parents. However, they live in affluent neighborhoods in houses worth in excess of $500,000 (their parents house) and sell drugs to finance their purchases of entry level luxry sedans.

Trap Star: Yo brah I stacked mad paper becuase I flipped QP's all year!

Smart Guy: You buying a house?

Trap Star: Nah, brah going to cop the new IS350 and drive around all day and flip QP's maybe I'll become a ski instructor. Brah. Nah saying?

Smart Guy: You are a waste of space! Stop being such an urban upper middle class trap star! Go to school and get a real job!

by Staten Island Verbatim May 13, 2009

25👍 2👎

white, upper/ upper middle class male

the group of people who must take all criticism without argument and are not allowed to be a "victim" of anything; though, they do know people make themselves a "victim" only when they allow themselves to be (not counting crime)

Man! If I wasn't an upper-middle class, white male I wouldn't be afraid to express my views.

by robdog073191 May 7, 2005

94👍 37👎

upper middle class white girl syndrome

Being so bored you feel the need to shop

Bob: Dude, we have a problem. Dave is suffering from upper middle class white girl syndrome.

Phil: What?

Bob: It's serious, man. I think we have to amputate.

Phil: Amputate what?!?!

Bob: His manlyhood

by YelloDragon2 May 29, 2012

15👍 5👎