Source Code

oops upside ya head

(Verb)- When someone takes their palm and
slaps someone else on the side or the back
of that person's head. The action can be made
easily by swinging your arm, striking the back
of that fool's head; sometimes you can snap
your wrist in mid-swing to get a better sting
on that idiot's dome. Best applied to dumb-asses
and fucknuts who just WON'T learn.

Also, it was a song at one time in the 70s.

It didn't take long for my friend to get
pissed off enough to go "oops upside ya head"
on his homie for turning his whip
into a hooptie... especially when it was
so paid-for.

Any mom will go oops-upside-their-kid's-head
for bad report cards.

by CDSmith1967 April 10, 2006

28👍 11👎

smack you upside the head

to physically (and/or brutally) beat the crap out of some one.

Matterazi: You terrorist son of a whore!

Zidane: I'm gunna smack you upside the head bitch!

(Materazzi now has a gaping hole in his cheast, world rejoices.)

by cha ching July 13, 2006

23👍 33👎

Smoove upside his head

To punch someone in the head.

Dude is trying to kick it to my girl. I'm gonna have to go smoove upside his head.

by dcurvycutie November 28, 2009

2👍 1👎

dont make me go upside your head

dontt amke me smash your head in

pimp: hay man wan suome drugs
thug: can you gimmi they for free or something might go rong
pimp: mother fucker dont make me go upside your head

by ()6_twitch_9() July 2, 2006

17👍 15👎

looking you upside your head

Looking you upside your head means to look at you in a crazy manner due to something that's going on crazy around you due to your allowance.

That wench was looking you upside your head like she had a problem with you.

by Brat069 April 25, 2019