Source Code

Urban Urban Urban

When you’ve already typed in “Urban” and “Urban Urban” and are seeing how far it goes

“It includedUrban Urban”, I wonder if it has “Urban Urban Urban”, let’s see”

by Emachine420 February 10, 2021

10👍 3👎

urban urban

When your in class and get bored of searching up urban on the urban dictionary so you do the only logical thing you can do... search it up twice.

Me: there’s nothing good on the urban dictionary anymore.
Friend: have you tried looking up urban?
Me yeah I’ve done that many times.
Friend: what about urban urban.
Me: your a genius!

by Votednewt August 18, 2020

17👍 2👎


when ur too lazy to type out urban dictionary

I wonder how urban dictionary is defined in the urban dictionary. hmmm. "urban....clicks enter"

by fghjkm April 22, 2017

8861👍 946👎


A suave and charming person. Kind and courteous.

The man was incredibly urbane and I enjoyed his company.

by Wassupninja October 27, 2015

23👍 2👎


Playing in the outdoors in an urban setting - parks, open space, trails, walking between art galleries, museums, and shops; dining al fresco - anything without a ceiling. Just because you live in the city doesn't mean you have to be a couch potato!

Chet - "It's a beautiful day and we're here in town - let's go to some galleries and stuff!"

Kay - "Yeah, let's do some intense urbaneering."

by da Chetster February 28, 2009

165👍 21👎


A mysterious word which is actually made up of the abbreviation “ur” and the word “ban.” It probably hints to how the government is planning to ban Urban Dictionary because it speaks the truth about English and they’re jealous their dictionary can’t be the same.

I was forced to write something here containing the word urban to be able to post this shit.

by CurrentlyExistant69420 February 7, 2020

605👍 112👎


(according to dictionaries everywhere) in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town.

urban dictionary... ...that's us!

by future guy9000 December 30, 2017

118👍 15👎