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fobby way of saying what. Especially funny when indian people says it.

Common yaar, vat the hell is dis

by da1NonlyPATEL September 6, 2006

116πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


a female vampire's vagina.

I got a boner from staring at that female vampire's vat while she sucked me dry.

by poopookiachooo August 13, 2011

26πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


a guy who is huge and scary and also a creeper. he knows everyone's phone numbers and addresses and is always wasted and high. he is ugly and his girlfriend usually has a HUGE ass.

Guy 1: his girlfriend has a huge ass!

by straight up loser July 15, 2009

11πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


1. Also known as "Gloria Vat"
2. It's a Value Added Tax of the former President of the Philippines - Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Mostly the victim of the said tax are the middle class citizen in the Philippines. 30% of their monthly salary have to go to the pocket of government officials also known as stolen money. Elite class and Squatter class is not suffering from this kind of anomaly.

Man 1: Bro, how much is your monthly salary and how much is your tax?

Man 2: Well, my monthly salary is 10,000 Php but my monthly tax is 5,245.

Man 1: How come?

Man 2: There's G-Vat, SSS, pag-ibig, philhealth deductions and all the scamming tactics of corrupt people in the Philippines.

by josΓ©rizal October 2, 2010

43πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Scat Vat

The interior of an asshole; bowels.

Dude, I have to find a bathroom or I'm going to empty my scat vat right here!

by Walter and Gin January 13, 2006

Vat 69

a scotch blended whiskey made in Scotland, est. 1882. consists of a blend of about 40 malt and grain whiskeys.

frequently featured in film, including The Shining, It's a Wonderful Life, Hotel Rawanda, and Band of Brothers.

Winters: Still drinking nothing but the VAT 69, huh?

Nixon: Only the finest for Mrs. Nixon's baby boy.

by fettfan91 September 23, 2011

Vat txa

A vat txa is an individual who got on his knees, lost a fight or did not fight back, someone who cusses out a girl or cusses out someones family without good reason, someone who allowed himself to get cussed out or allowed others to insult their family.

If someone calls you a vat txa, they are either saying it as an insult or you actually are one. If they are using it as an insult, then you need to get that shit sorted.

Hovo: Look at Vahe, that faggot jerked off in front of a 12 year old what a vat txa.
You: Ha axpe et txen boz a

by HaykakanQfrtots May 30, 2023