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A person who chooses to eat a vegan diet but does not respect the choices of non-vegans and constantly forces their vegan propaganda onto others.

If I want to eat meat, I'll eat meat. Stop being such a veganazi!

by krisworld1806 June 23, 2017

6👍 2👎


A person who forces veganism on people and looks down on them for eating meat. They think of you as a literal fucking spawn of Satan if you eat meat/

One example of a Veganazi can be "That Vegan Teacher"

by SenorToastYT February 11, 2021

1👍 1👎


A vegan who tries to push veganism on other people because they're so pissed off at the state of the world that they don't want to play nice anymore.

"Stop being a veganazi."
"Stop murdering animals for your taste bud's pleasure."

by arblagarbpenguins February 27, 2015

21👍 15👎


Someone who imposes their (healthy) dietary customs on others, but are still rude. But they should not be confused with your everyday vegan who's diet reflects an appreciation for their own life and health and that of others (including "animals")

They are very much like alchoholnazi's, tobacconazis, or drugnazi's who often similary try to impose their habits and addictions on others in the name of having a good time, but these peoples' habits are proven to be unhealthy and sometimes dangerous to others. These people also empower the BigDrugBusinessNazis which have a stranglehold on American democracy, giving businesses a greater voice than citizens. These businesses invariably work against or just don't give a "duck" about the general public.

someone who feels everyone must live like they do or who only feels comfortable around people who live, look or act like themsevles

by Jock January 8, 2005

55👍 74👎