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A group of girls who individually are not attractive but who individual attributes to make one really hot girl.

Hey Rob, you see those girls? Their not much but if you take her face, that one's boobs, and the other girl's ass and they would come together like Voltron.

by EddieFCSL March 2, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Netflix adaptation of an 80s kid show that started out great until after the 3rd season the produces chose to change the endgame ship from the most popular to one of the least liked from the fandom and the only times you can see what the show could have been are from the animators and writers that wanted the show to end as well as it started so they sneak moments in. So the next 5 seasons after all that became worse as worse as time went on. WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO US WHAT HAVE WE DONE

Person 1: Hey I found this show on Netflix called Voltron and it looks cool do you want to binge it
Person 2: Nah dude ive already watched all 3 seasons of the show
Person 1: Wait but it says there are 8 seasons not 3 are you sure you have watched it all
Person 2: *Holds gun against person 2's head* There. Are. Only. 3. Seasons

by Cyber Demon99 June 6, 2019


An orgy with tazers instead of lube.

Come over & letโ€™s form Voltron. Iโ€™ll be the head.

by rossnroy March 27, 2021


A commonly occurring group consisting of 5 people. Usually found in a restaurant, bar, or coffee shop. Voltron's always consists of 4 white males (some have goatee's) and one Asian female. Not really noticed until you find yourself in one, then you see them everywhere.

Oh look, there is another Asian woman in a Voltron.
I love this Mongolian Grill... wow, look at all the Voltrons!
See that Voltron table over there? they get 5 Venti's.
Look at that LL Bean catalog... is that a Voltron on the cover?
God I love shopping at IKEA! OMG is that an Ektorp Voltron?

by Mrsailorman April 4, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Based on the absolute failure of a show Voltron Legendary Defender. Because of the pettiness of the show runners the show became a complete dumpster fire that is unfixable all because they hated gay people and the fan base.

Def 1: A piece of media going downhill fast/a piece of media with bad writers

Def 2: Trying to fix a mistake but making it worse

Def 3: A piece of media that abandons their lore bible

Def 4: Destroying something people love for a petty reason/wanting to assure mutual destruction

Example one: Man dude this show has been getting really bad. I hope it isnโ€™t going to pull a Voltron.

Example 2: Thomas tried to apologize but instead pulled a Voltron

Example 3: _____ has been kinda inconsistent with the plot. I hope they didnโ€™t voltron the lore bible.

Def 4: After getting hurt by Rebecca, Sarah decided she was going to pull a voltron and make her boyfriend break up with her.

by Alluraโ€™s Ghost December 17, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cartoon about some dudes who control robot lions fighting in a universal galactic space war.

This was a good show until the fangirls started making every single character in the series gay.

Voltron is probably going to be a yaoi.

by keiichimaebara September 12, 2018

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The product of when ethan kristof and braden hubburmin do the fusion dance.


by voltroncomeplete October 20, 2010

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