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Urban dictionary volunteer editors

Are basically hoes LMAO

The Urban dictionary volunteer editors are gunna refuse to publish this becuase he or she is a hoe

by Excusemewtf December 15, 2018

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The Urban Dictionary Volunteer editors

The fuckers who deny every word you to try to submit to urban dictionary.

Bob: So I tried to submit a word to urban dictionary today, but The Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editors got to it.

by SirNickParks February 17, 2015

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Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editor

An absolute cunt of a human being.

"A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided not to publish it. Don't take it personally!"
"F*ck that! I f*cking hate those Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editors!"

by Ferno November 18, 2018

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Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editors

The person group that have no life and tend to reject your word definition submissions.
These people are the largest virgins known to man, not even 4chan members can compete.

Friend: You should define that word and publish it on Urban Dictionary
Me: Good idea let me do it.
*10 minutes later*
Editors: We have rejected your word.
Me: Oh no the Urban Dictionary Volunteer Editors rejected my word :(

by HalfSmartMan January 21, 2020

A Volunteer Editor for Urban Dictionary

A Dumbass

A Volunteer Editor for Urban Dictionary: Hm.. know what would be smart? If we didn't accept the term Ur sistr a mistr. But we accept Happy Tapioca

Any other person: You are a dumbass

by The meme store May 11, 2018

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I fucked the Volunteer editors mother

I fucked the Volunteer editors mother

I fucked the Volunteer editors mother

by darkedge008 March 24, 2018

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A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided to not publish it.

When the editors didnโ€™t publish your definition because they stinky

A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided to not publish it.

by Swiftfoul20 September 10, 2020