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My daughter will use butter only in cooking, shops at department stores, buys only jewelry at the best places, and is uncomfortable around people that are not like her.

by L. Sharonafich December 31, 2004

35πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


Washington State Patrolman

"I got pulled over by this WASP, and he gave me a ticket."

by Colorbolt August 19, 2005

30πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


Weak Ass Sales Person

a salesperson who cannot achieve a sale,even if the customer needed the product to live.

Bryan was considered a W.A.S.P. when he couldn't
close a car deal.

by ingrownhair February 28, 2006

32πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


White American Saxon Princess

The WASP went to the country club everyday and only wore Ralph Lauren.

by None November 4, 2003

26πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


World Aquanaut Security Patrol.

See "Stingray" Troy tempest and his 'oppo; Phones. Oh yes don't forget the DUMB blonde Marina.

"Anything can happen in the next half hour" boomdiddyboom boomdiddyboom - repeat at will!

by picker June 21, 2004

19πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


A term of abuse and hatred used in high school against someone who never heard the term Anglo-Saxon, hardly ever went to church, and of course, is white. Which Protestant Church to go to is not clear.

The same person might not be invited to a 'coming out' ball for being a Jew, which they never heard of before, either, and then get two invitations a both a stolen a all the attendees at the paaty a appose a be hoes.

"You're a W.A.S.P.!!"

"A what?"

"A wasp!"

"What's that?"

The teacher assigns you to write a research paper in literature on: "The Lost Cause Of The South" and you write an excellent paper and you can see that the grade is an 'A', but she hands it "back" to another girl and the other girl gets a prize from DuPont at graduation because she is supposedly so smart.

by EvaLissens September 18, 2009

6πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Bohemian W.A.S.P.

Bohemian W.A.S.P. (1943 – Present day)

Bohemian W.A.S.P., slang. (Bohemian, Czech, or in a modern sense, Eastern European in origin or ancestry; WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) A person usually from but not limited to the geographic proximity of the City of Chicago that is of Eastern European ancestry being utterly inculcated into the contemporary American Eastern Establishment in beliefs, manners, mannerisms, dress, and education. The bohemian W.A.S.P. is so thoroughly indoctrinated into this system that even he or she is oblivious to his or her assimilation, let alone others of the Anglo-American ruling class.

A recent example of this phenomenon that is currently in the fourth generation took place at the W________t restaurant in San Francisco. β€œI was completely baffled when the man at my table gave me his credit card!” Says Clarence __________, a waiter whose name is also somewhat of a Bohemian W.A.S.P. derivative. Clarence continues: β€œThe man was tall, about 6” 5” with blond hair and blue-green eyes. He was reading the linear notes on the sleeve of a Benjamin Britten Compact Disc, possibly the War Requiem. I overheard his wife with striking patrician good looks talk about Milton, and how difficult the Latin translations were at Yale.” β€œI truly thought I was in the presence of the real thing, especially when she referred to her son as β€œHarold the IIIrd”.
β€œWhen he paid with his American Express Black Card, the one made of tin, I was thinking maybe Rhode Island, or parts of Connecticut but to my surprise the name on the card read: HAROLD THORNTON REJCEKOVONOVICH. Wow! I thought. I’m in the presence of a Bohemian W.A.S.P!”

A slight sub variation is also known as White Anglo Saxon Polish.

by Adolf Schicklgruber June 15, 2006

20πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž