Source Code


WAL is the abbreviation of 'What a loser'.

Nigel: I have been fired from literally every job I've ever worked.
Elton: You have got to be kidding me... wal.

by IconicRiot June 10, 2011

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An acronym for the term "What A Lie."

The saying "what a lie" was used by me so often through means of communication to my peers, I got lazy one day and I just put the first few letters into an acronym...people don't know what it means so here's a definition :)

Sally: Mary you're so smart you aced that really hard test

Mary: No I'm not, WAL

by TheEmu June 30, 2011

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Abbreviation for what a loser.

luckestar07: B&N rocks! it's my fav place in teh world!!1

optikal2115: wal...

by I Lean And Lie December 5, 2007

10πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Online abbreviation for "What A Loser"

Adam: "Lizzie spends her Friday nights at home watching reruns of Seinfeld."
Ben: WAL

by Atom Bomb 1986 January 11, 2009

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


acronym for We Are Lions. At the lions den, art from developmentally disabled populations is used to create awesome, unique, and individualized shirts. WAL gives a portion of the profits back to the participating organization.

Dude, where'd you get that shirt?
WAL, broham, WAL.

by We Are Lions June 28, 2011

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Wal-creatures are known mainly for their bizarre behavior and "plumage" (e.g. Mullets/femullets, tails, shirts with colorful expletives, butts hanging out, year-round Halloween costumes, tight, colorful stretch pants on those who have no business wearing them).

There are many sub species of them such as the hambeasts (obese people using the electric scooters meant for disabled people), skunks (people who haven't bathed in ages and you can smell them at 20 paces), baby-factories (the ones with six screaming brats under 10), silver-back gorillas (hairy guys).

These people also have "pets" to accompany them and often they're not the fuzzy, cuddly kind. Goats are the most common along with raccoons, and snakes.

Like most animals, you don't bother them and they won't bother you (usually) because God knows what these "animals" are capable of and it's not a pretty sight....

The vast majority (90%) of Wal-mart shoppers are nice normal people there to shop for grocieries or pick something up. The remaining 10% just happen to be Wal-creatures.

by Laurel Scarlett Katrina February 18, 2011


an overweight Wal-Mart shopper so weird looking that his/her picture ends-up on the internet

When you've worked here a while, you'll learn to identify the deferent breeds of wal-rus.

by Ξ”ΠΈΕ‚Δ¦β˜ΌΠΈΧ¦ ΓŸβ‚¬β‚‘Κž January 20, 2010

1894πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž