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A place to make fun of. This place is a magnet for hicks. Also a place that causes you to become itchy just by thinking about it.

"Dear God, I just saw some WalMart lovin'! These 2 hicks were making out in the shitty clothes section!"

"Damnit, Jack. I broke out in hives. Let's leave this crappy WalMart place.

by Jersey Girl February 22, 2004

325๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bunch of traitors who send all our jobs to china under the pretense the items will be cheaper, which btw is a bunch of Bull.

THe heads of Walmart should spend a month working in their own sweatshop.

by Wear March 7, 2006

101๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) AN AWFUL SUPERHUGE CORPORATION THAT TREATS WORKERS LIKE CRAP!!! They pay illegal immigrants to clean the stores, and cost taxpayers so much because they have to go on welfare and get Medicaid (see Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price). Also, awful for the environment, racist in their practices, sexist in their practices, etc, and they need to go fuck themselves and die, and take all their shitty, cheap Chinese inventory with them to their graves.
2) A word than when uttered makes normally peaceful people start screaming their head off, get incredibly angry, and yell, "FUCK WALMART!!"

Walmart sucks. There's a high cost to low price. Find out more. It's our duty as Americans to stop them and be educated. We can all help bring a stop to this unjustice they commit.

by Person20 December 18, 2005

312๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž


Melting pot of the worst human trash and stupidest people walking this Earth. A Walmart is also the number one spot for the ultimate People-Watching experience.

Frustrated White Trash Mother in Walmart: (says to her crying five year old son with scars and a mullet) "Put them back on the shelf, you know we can't afford no Lucky Charms!"

by B3player89 December 17, 2008

60๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb, to explain using to the lowest common demoninator. To make readily explainable to the average Walmart employee or customer. To "dumb down" an otherwise complex explanation, idea, or concept.

"You need to Walmart that report before presenting it"

A Walmarted explanation for basketball would read as follows: five guys try to throw a ball in the other five guys' basket.

"Gravity makes things fall down," Walmarted Isaac Newton.

by Samuel Pettyjohn January 19, 2006

73๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Basically- The Essence of Evil.

Walmart should have their asses sued off

by Whalee June 11, 2005

226๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


Like the cocaine for Rednecks, they just can't stop coming to this economic bully. Walmart is run by fat stupid bald guys who hunt for badgers in their spare time and actually bought that stupid mounted fish that wriggles and sings.

"Hey mom! Look! a Badger Shooting game for only FIVE DOLLARS!!! Yippee!! YODELYODELYODEL!!!!"

by i do not want any stalkers May 13, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž