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Jamaica Zone Wars Effect

When a Fat fugly hippo whale of an Indian gets mad over a game mode in Fortnight called Jamaica Zone Wars hence the name. This ham planet lard ass will become engulfed in rage has his chins jiggle from the peer anger because he heard "Bombaclat" one to many times. This effect is proceeded with fits of rage, cold shoulders, and intensive eating

Oh my god Rahaj is mad at a pointless video game this is an example of the Jamaica Zone Wars Effect

by ARHS Daily Podcast February 2, 2024

Call of duty war zone adult

A Call of duty war zone adult is a man (most likely over the age of 20 and white) who

⚫says the n-word frequently even tho they aren't black.
⚫says that they will rape your mother.
⚫tries to act like a hacker.
⚫has no friends.
⚫is most likely fat and a discord mod.

bro I was playing and a call of duty war zone adult told me he was going to rape my mom.

by jaggedchris July 2, 2022