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A well-off suburban town neighboring Boston. No liquor stores arounds, and there was a big debate just to put a Duncan donuts in! Of course they couldn't allow a Penara bread, thats too close to fast food!

There's probably the highest % of eating disorders there in the country. Don't be surprised if you see a good half the girls show strong signs of bulimia or anorexia before they reach high school.

"c'mon cathy, eat something."
"What are you from wellesley or something?"

by daniella Corlioni April 7, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wellesley is a rich town, overly obsessed with sports and education but no ones racist or anything. most people who live here arnt billionairs or even millionairs.

ive lived in wellesley all my life and all i own from abercrombie is a miniskirt

by trubrit16 November 9, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


So if you are reading this then im sure you think that Wellesley is some "SNOBBY" "UPPY" "RICH BITCH" town is to say the least wrong. Yes there are some people who are snobby, much like people in the rest of the world. However, being the new girl in town I have found it quiet enjoyable to live here. Coming from a town in Indiana, where there were plenty of "blue collar" workers, I haven't really experienced anyone being "more snobby" here compaired to Indiana. Diversity is everywhere... we DO have Babson college and Wellesley college right in town. Maybe people should try and look beyond the BMWs and the Volvos... I know I do as I drive around in my early 2000s Honda CR-V

girl works at a restaurant in wellesley...
customer says "so are you going to college as well"
girl says "yeah i go to umb"
customer says "wow thats great that you work and go to school"

by lemon_drop19 March 20, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A small, western suburb of Boston. Quaint, with nice, tasteful, closely spaced houses surrounding the town center.

If you work in Boston but don't want to live in the city, consider commuting from Wellesley.

by zarMJ June 21, 2005

64๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


apparently ther first three definitions were written by self centered wellesley natives (or from somewhere similar, like newport, greenwich, etc)

Try this on for size: Wellesley, the town where insecurities are bred and money masks weakness. Money talks and the dumb talk more. A place where it is possible to not know a single thing about the real world because your Lexus has a nav system and OnStar.

A place where kid's souls are lost as soon as they are born and adults pretend to be important.

'Wow, you have serious social and mental problems, you must be from Wellesley"

by Dr. Feel Good September 14, 2005

106๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wellesley: a.k.a. East Coast Beverley Hills. People over 30 drive Benz's and Beemers, the kids usually drive expensive suv's and most are equipped with expensive systems no hood rat could dream of "boostin'". For the most part high schoolers own the cops and although they break up parties, no one usually gets in trouble, cause lets face it, our parents pay their salaries. Kids wear only the most expensive clothes, consisting of polo, burberry, lily and juicy. We do what we want and parents simply don't care. If you hate your life, its cause you're not from Wellesley.

Wellesley does not need an example

by Wellesley prep October 26, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


the guys r pimps of all pimps....ladies are hotties............life is great......ya we throw it down too but the cops do suck cock....they got nothin better to do rather than eat donuts and chase us around...

i dont know what to write for this example but missin ya all

by ya'll know me by #18 December 12, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž