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Westboro Baptist Church

A 'church' that hates (but says God hates) everybody but themselves.

They should go all out and say 'God hates people who aren't members of the Westboro Baptist Church'

by Cobui February 16, 2010

107๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

westboro baptist church

A non-christian church, violates christian ideology while claiming to belive in it, discrinates gay's, lesbians, cross-dressers, transexuals, intersexuals, catholics, muslims and jews. Claims that god hates homosexuals, despite the fact that god was happy with all that he created (as said in Genises) and also is evil. Not to be confused with your average baptist church.

God hates fags!

I think god hates Westboro Baptist Church

by Agent Pennypacker May 1, 2008

468๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Westboro Baptist Church

A religious extremist group based in Topeka, Kansas lead by Fred Phelps. The church is made of mainly the Phelps family because nobody else is screwed up enough to join. Phelps's daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper is the main spokesperson for the church, making appearances on talk shows, radio shows, and the news to be verbally abused by those with common sense. The main focus of the church is that God hates everything and everyone besides the members of the church. In their minds, God's wrath on humanity is the death of our sons and daughters in Iraq. The group is easily most famous for its frequent protests and rallies at military funerals and other funerals that they feel like showing up at. They hold up signs that display vulgar messages and images, trying to get our attention. It gets our attention, but not the kind they want. The Westboro Baptist Church has also been called the most hated family in America, which is appropriate.

The Westboro Baptist Church's main website is called "godhatesfags.com." Another site by them is "godhatesamerica.com." Wow.

by Ellisniss MGP December 30, 2010

136๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Westboro Baptist Church

A church that really knows how to use the First Amendment, with thier ridiculous signs saying "God Hates Fags", and "Thank God for 9/11". You can compare them to nazi's and the KKK, but they are basicly the same just not violent. Just a buntch of ignorant fucks that hate anything that says something bad about them. Intstead of saying God Hates This and that, they should just say "Westboro Baptist Church Hates..." and so on. But then people wouldnt give a shit now would they?

They recently came to NJ to come to a couple of High Schools. They failed horribly since most schools closed early and they were standing outside with they're pathetic picket signs. Only a laughable 6 came to my school and no one was there to say anything about it, talk about a waste of time and effort.

Instead of wasting time and blaming other religions and people on problems, they should just blame themselves for giving Americans and Christians a bad name.

Apperently Westboro Baptist Church hates UD too, who cares? Now they hate NJ even more since im from there. If you want more of their bullshit, go to there site. JFGI.

by Guilty Sir November 2, 2009

150๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Westboro Baptist Church

A wacky bunch of inbreed fucktards from Kansas that need to be rounded up and sent to Iran just so we can get rid of them. Their claim to fame is protesting at the funerals of gays and others that don't match their line of religious thinking (read fire & brimstone Christianity).

Wanted to go so far as to protest at the funerals of the Amish girls killed by a madman gunmen, but backed off when Mike Gallagher offered them airtime.

In short, a bunch of dipshits that use their time on earth to make others feel miserable.

"Look, the Westboro Baptist Church is protesting at another funeral. What do we do?"

"Let's go get a sewage pumper truck and spray them with shit!"

"Good idea."

by youradhere October 7, 2006

511๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

Westboro Baptist Church

A group of religious extremists from Kansas who claim to preach the word of God by going to things like soldier funerals and high school and college graduations and waving signs that say 'God hates fags', 'God hates America', and Thank God for IEDs', and who also hold their own rallies around the midwest. They also teach their children (as everyone in the organization is in the same family) to hate everything the adults hate at a very young age. They have been interviewed by many people, ranging from Michael Moore to Fox news, and they seem to love attention, especially if it is negative.

The Westboro Baptist Church are fucking nuts.

'God hates fags' is the WBC's most famous slogan.

by THatgUY452 September 14, 2011

43๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Westboro Baptist Church

A group of people that dare to call themselves a Church. OBVIOUSLY they haven't read the Bible. Sent to hell, stop teaching your kids that stuff.

Westboro Baptist Church: YOU'RE ALL GOING TO HELL!


by Big_Ranter July 3, 2009

122๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž